CHAPTER 4 - The First Meeting

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Saturday, Hight Street, BGC, Taguig City

Ayu was walking down 9th to 28th Avenue when she realized she left her cellphone back in her flat.

"Oh, forget it. It is almost 7 and being late in our first meeting after many years is not an excuse. There is nothing to check about my work." Ayu told herself while nodding her head absent-mindedly.

The traffic of human bodies in High Street has now increased since the weekdays. This is quite a beautiful scene for lovers, families, and friends. Ayu immediately scanned the restaurant for familiar faces.

In the far corner of the restaurant, someone loudly yelled her name. "Ayu! Here." Gary waved his hand and caught Ayu's attention. His face showed an excitement.

"Has it been six years? Girl, if it weren't for this red cloche, I would not spot you." Jen told Ayu while pulling her favorite hat from his head. It eventually made Ayu's hair scraggly. Then, Jen and Gary both hugged Ayu tight.

"Oh men, I can't breathe. I cannot breathe you two. Breakaway." Ayu struggled for air for a few seconds. Her friends surely know how to give a warm welcome.

Diners from nearby tables gave them inquisitive look. Others smiled as if they know of their meeting as a mini-reunion.

"Hi Frank, now." Gary gave the waiter a hand signal to proceed with the order. "We ordered your favorite steak. Do not think we would forget! Look at your shiny curly hair. You colored them back to black?"

"Yeah. It's difficult to catch up with the blondes out of the country." Ayu giggled while answering his question and absent-mindedly twirled her beautiful locks with her right forefinger. "It's better like this when always on the go. Time is of the essence when traveling for business. And you..." Ayu gave Gary a long look. Then, she moved a little to pinch his biceps. "Look at these perfect muscles. Wow!" Ayu exclaimed.

"Not only his biceps are perfect. You should check out his abs." Jen gave Gary a nudge and a wink.

"Ugh! You are giving me so much credit. My head is about to blow off." Gary interjected while rolling his eyes.

They all giggled like teenagers. Time went swiftly while they were talking about events of the past 6 years.

"Jen mentioned you want to join our volunteer works. How long are you planning to do that?" Gary was always eager to share his love for sharing good things with the needy.

"I can spare a few weeks to bum around and maybe extend that." Ayu does not really want to ruin the mood so she kept to herself the real reason she's back. "I just need to slow down for a while. Tell me, do you have works on places near the shore? I want to use my energy to something I'm not the only one happy and at the same time not break my swimming routine." Ayu was explaining to Gary about her plan when they heard a woman shriek outside the restaurant.

Diners of the restaurant gave the waiters a questioning look.

"Does anyone here speak French?!" Frank, the waiter, asked the diners politely. "We're trying to help a lady outside."

Ayu stood up while munching the remaining nuts in her mouth. "Let me out for a bit. Be back." She hurriedly told her friends. Jen and Gary were startled. A woman of action.

Ayu may not be fluent in French but staying six years around Europe was enough for her to learn a few conversational words. It would be bad for to accept consultation business if she has not learned any.

"Mon seul bébé. Mon seul bébé. aidez-moi à la retrouver. S'il vous plaît." [My only baby. My only baby. Help me find her. Please.] The lady in white with black stripes dress squat on the ground and crying her heart out.

Ayu crouched and supported the lady to stand up. "Madame. Nous vous aiderons mais vous devez vous lever d'abord." [Madam. We will help you, but you need to get up first.] She turned her head around looking for the waiter. "Frank can you help me get her water?"

Frank nodded his head and hurriedly made it an important task. Ayu sat the lady on a chair outside the restaurant and talked to her to calm down.

"Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui s'est passé?" [Can you tell me what happened?] Ayu inquired while holding the lady's hand and tapping her back.

"Mon bébé a couru si vite. je le poursuivais quand je suis tombé par terre." [My baby ran so fast. I was going after him when I fell on the ground.] This lady poured her heart out trying to relay every message she can.

Ayu was now anxious to tell the staff about the missing child when Jen and Garry checked on her.

"What happened?" Jen inquired with brittle voice.

"Her kid is missing. Let me get more information. Please call security officials to come over so they could find her baby. This is worrying especially at night when there are many people." Ayu looked like a caring sister. She spared no effort to help the heart-broken lady.

"Pouvez-vous me dire le nom de votre enfant? Quel âge a l'enfant? Une petite fille? Ou avez-vous une photo?" [Can you tell me the name of your child? How old is the kid? A baby girl? or do you have a photo?] Ayu continuedly asked the woman hoping to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

"Oui. Oui." [Yes. Yes] The woman's voice still quavering. No time to waste. A baby girl she said.

"Voici sa photo. Elle a trois ans." [Here is her photo. She is three years old.] The woman was sniffing and proudly showed Ayu the girl's photo.

No way! Ayu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Back to the restaurant. The trio was laughing like crazy.

"No wonder she couldn't keep up with her three-year-old." Gary said while laughing and gasping for air.

"I never really imagined it. Who would have thought that she was after her chihuaha."

"I know. I know." Ayu chimed in.

Jen held her tummy and hysterical.

"The dog is probably her only family. Ugh! I never realized that there's so much love for four-legged animals in this world until I witnessed that sadness." Ayu was slicing her steak when her arm suddenly cramped and her fork fell on the ground.

"Oh." Ayu stared at her trembling hand and wondered how long it will last this time.

Ayu was in high school when she got into a car accident. She wanted to surprise her mother who just came back from a month-long business trip in Europe. She went alone to the airport after she learned that her father was caught in a business meeting.

Unfortunately, she got hit by a car and left her shoulder aching until today. Many doctors said that it was all in her head now and her shoulder healed back properly. She met with many psychologists and they said the same thing. Despite that, the painful spell bugs her from time to time and it felt real every time.

"Hi there." Jen's voice woke her in reverie, but she was not looking at Ayu.

"What?" Ayu looked at Jen and then followed her eyesight.

"You dropped this." A handsome guy handed Ayu's fork back.

"Thank you," Ayu said politely and the guy nodded. Jen smiled at Ayu, then gave a meaningful wink.

The guy walked out with his friends after giving Ayu's fork back. The group of men who just went out was sitting in the table across theirs.

"Uh? What was that look?" Ayu asked Jen and looked at Gary for help.

"Come on! Did he not look handsome to you?" Gary gave her a flick in the forehead.

This guy. How could he do that after all these years? "Ouch! You have not changed. Why do you still do that?" Ayu annoyed by Gary's joke.

"Who would not? That was a rare chance to meet someone good-looking." Jen totally agreed with Gary. "Do you want another flick?"

Ayu raised her fork andknife in defense. These two were way beyond her imagination. But they give offcomfortable warmth just like when she is with Pam. The warmth that only peoplewho truly care would have.

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