CHAPTER 11 - Embarrassing Moment

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Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Monday

"Finally, we're moving." Ned took care of their passports and ID's like an experienced traveler.

"I'm hungry. Can we grab something to eat before we head to the departure area?" Gary put his arm around Ayu's shoulder. He looked manly in a faded blue polo shirt and black pants.

"How about we do it inside? Army Navy? I'm in for a sausage!" Ayu told him. She's worried of the departure time.

"Aha! Look at our little pig." Gary just pinched Ayu's face and did not even notice the man staring at their sweet moment.

Jen joined in their little teasing game. "I wonder how you survived alone outside the country without my mom's cooking!" She touched Ayu's tummy.

The three laughed out freely.

Just then, Ayu remembered Pam. What could she be doing now? She said she will come immediately.

The group was waiting for their meal.

"I brought this book for you." She handed a book to him like a good friend eager to share her love of reading.

"Thanks," Hanz said reached out for the books. "I was going to see you but it was late already."

"So, you guys were supposed to meet each other last night?" Jen held Ayu's hand. Her eyes enlarged.

"It's not what you think." Ayu was waving her right hand awkwardly. Afraid that the situation yesterday would leave the wrong impression.

Hanz just gave them a cold shoulder.

Ayu tugged her friend's arm to stop her from taking things too far.

Boarding time.

Hanz and Ned got in the plane first while the girls and Garry hurried to the restroom at the last minute.

"Let's hurry," Jen encouraged them in a sprint.

They were checking their seats when Garry noticed that he's seated far from the girls.

Ayu looked at Jen and signaled to Garry. Their seats seem to be scrambled. Jen just shrugged, winked at her and move on few seats from her.

Hanz looked up and found her struggling with her suitcase. "Let me give you a hand with that." Hanz stood up from the cramped chair and took Ayu's luggage up to the overhead bin. This surely is not coincident. Jen, my friend. All this trouble just to be with Ned. Ayu secretly cursed her friend.

Hanz urged her to get in the seat beside him.

The domestic airbus will lift them from Manila to the island of Catanduanes for a good one hour or maybe less if the weather permits according to the Capt. Javier.

The aircraft is almost full. Ayu may be traveling since she was a kid but the take-off and landing always give her the jitters. Airship and those that float may be different, but both still carry people and needs careful maneuvering. She once heard that there is more danger in mooring a ship to a pier rather than maneuvering it in the middle of the ocean. This is branded in her mind.

Why would she be worried? Modern technology can sure keep up with the new travel trend of flying. Still, she worries.

The fasten seatbelt sign is on. After a few minutes, she heard another ding. It was lifted off.

When she was certain they're up in the air, she opened her eyes. Her hand felt warm.

"Can I have my hand back?" Hanz looked at her.

"Ah?" Puzzled. "Oh." She felt shy.

"That was something for someone who moves around the planet," Hanz told her while unfastening his seatbelt.

Ayu looked at him with menacing eyes. "Did he just insult me? He could not possibly make a joke of it. I was about to puke my gut out." She thought. Ayu was annoyed.

"Here." He handed her chewing gum.

"Thshhss." She tried to calm down herself. She flies solo until now and she never really noticed how bad her phobia is.

It is still early in the morning. Ayu did not get enough sleep because of the bookstore date with the guy next to her. In a few moments, her eyes became heavy. Then, her head fell back and slid through Hanz's shoulder.

"Let me keep it for her." Hanz took the buns given by the roving stewardess.

It was not long since the fasten seatbelt light was lifted. It's back now. They must be descending, he thought.

In a few moments, Ayu made a slight move without opening her eyes. She felt good to have taken a nap. It felt warm so she unconsciously curled her arms to the direction where she felt warmth. And then stretched it out comfortably. Her palms made a swift move. She may not have a boyfriend for a while, but she knew what a man's chest feels like. Enlightened, she stopped moving her palm.

Hanz held her wrist to stop Ayu from moving her palm. His eyebrows almost joined as if holding back a surging emotion. He thought of waking up Ayu but they were about to land and the lady beside her would surely find the situation awkward.

Ayu's stomach has started to convulse. What should she do? Should she open her eyes and act as if nothing happened? Her thought was a mess. Her head still resting in a man's shoulder. She could not possibly just say nothing.

Gently, Hanz lifted her arm and put it down to her lap.

Ayu still pretended to be sleeping. Goodman. She can still save her pride, Ayu told herself. This never happened.

The plane suddenly made an abrupt landing. Her head bounced to his shoulder.

"Aww!" She cried loudly.

"You okay?" Hanz asked her with concern touching the side of her head that hit his shoulder.

She still feels the sting. Althoughpainful, it gave her an excuse to let go of the embarrassing situation.

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