CHAPTER 5 - Friends at home

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Ayu woke up early as usual. No matter what she does at night, her body would still wake up early in the morning. Ayu stood up and walked to her cabinet with eyes half-close.

Ayu stopped. An ear-piercing shriek made her heart jumped out of her chest. Automatically, she stumbled back to her bed.

"What... why in the hell...?" Ayu asked looking down. Her voice was tight.

Ayu knew this would happen again but not so soon. "You go to hell missy. I'm sleeping here." Gary said croaky.

Stepping on a big guy is not really in Ayu's morning agenda. She needed a moment to remember what happened last night. Her eyes browsed the room. Jen sprawled in her bedroom sofa.

"Why is Gary sleeping on the floor? They must have dragged me here when I fell asleep drinking." She was still recalling their night escapade. This has never happened when she was abroad. Her two friends really have a humongous effect on her. She could lose herself in a blink. Still a good thing, she thought. Ayu started to remember her parents but pushed it away from his head.

"What time is it? This won't do." Ayu hurriedly changed to her swimsuit and wore a robe. "I can't miss a day." She grabbed a sunblock, eco-bag, water bottle, and a mini towel. Slowly, Ayu tiptoed out of the bedroom down to the recreation floor and to the swimming pool.

Out of the elevator, there were only a few guys and attendants. Ayu touched and caressed her left shoulder with her right hand. "I did not do much yesterday. How come my shoulder is in pain again?" Ayu made an arm circling motion to shake it off. She stopped on the way to the pool still trying to suppress the pain she was feeling. She winced and got startled with a man's silvery voice coming from behind.

"Are you okay?" A tall and tanned guy asked Ayu. He was only wearing trunks. A towel hanging on his shoulder.

This guy looks familiar.

"Ah, yes." Ayu answered him with half a smile. She recalled last night's dinner and realized that he was the "fork guy."

"Something with your shoulder?" The guy was reaching out for her left shoulder, so Ayu unconsciously stepped back.

"I don't have any bad intention." He said to Ayu with half-raised arms. His eyes deep showing concern.

"Oh, no. I did not. I mean, ugh." What is happening to me? "I'm okay. Just trying to exercise my joints. Thanks for your concern. I'm really okay." Ayu explained to him.

The guy nodded and went ahead to the pool. The corner of his mouth raised a little. He looked back and saw Ayu preparing to swim.

What a nosy guy. Ayu thought while putting down her eco-bag filled with swimming essentials. She made a circular motion again with her shoulders. Then, she quietly scanned the people around the pool.

Ayu took a deep breath, benther body, extended her arms forward, and jumped headfirst to the pool of water.Swimming gives her a break in everything that keeps her busy. Water gives herthat serenity. 

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