CHAPTER 1 - A New Friend

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2020, Brussels

Ayu's breathing turned from level to wild as if startled of the noise outside. Her entire body tensed and tight. Slowly, she opened her heavy eyes. It was just a dream. She convinced herself. In a few more minutes, Ayu went back to sleep. Again, she heard dishes crashing to the ground. She trembled. This time she did not ignore it. Ayu got up from the bed and tiptoed outside the bedroom. Her eyes still red from the sudden movement. Her heart beating fast as if she has a bad premonition.

"Oops. Did I wake you up?" Pam was holding a whisk and a bowl of crushed eggs. "I'm sorry. I was reaching for the salt and I accidentally hit the platters." Pam smiled innocently at Ayu who looks pallid.

"Pam! You!" Ayu walked closer to Pam and put her arms around her waist. "I missed you!" Then Ayu pinched her waist. She was annoyed but seeing her best friend made her feel safe.

"Hey! I did not mean to wake you up. Careful! My egg!" Pam explained while running away from Ayu to the other side of the kitchen while still holding the whisk and raising the bowl.

Their mornings would turn out from quite to loud. They do not see each other often but their closeness does not seem to fade away.

"So... when did you get back?" Pam asked Ayu with enthusiasm. Both girls face to face sitting in the table for breakfast.

The table is filled with re-heated food except for the scrambled egg. Buffalo fried chicken, honey-glazed fried chicken, slices of carrots and cucumber, and garlic rice were all in the table for two.

"I arrived yesterday morning, but I had to report back to the office, so I came back here at around 10 last night." Ayu answered Pam with a loud sigh at the end of the sentence. As if it is difficult to utter every word that came out of her mouth.

"Careful!" Pam took Ayu's fork. "You're about to put poison in your mouth. Silly!"

Ayu is allergic to poultry meat but she often ignores it. If it were not for Pam, she would suffer again. Thanks to her caring roomie.

But Ayu only does this unconsciously when Pam is around. Ayu knew there is nothing safer than around Pam. A friend that cares more than a real family. More than her biological family.

"Eat this. Wait for your coffee." Pam moved the chicken plate out of Ayu's face. She gave Ayu fresh carrots instead.

"Argg." Ayu felt squeamish.

"That's the safest food here for you. You should have told me that you're coming back. I could have prepared something else." Pam blamed Ayu for forgetting about her. "You just came back after 2 weeks. What can I do?"

The girls shared an apartment not long after Ayu got hired as a marine researcher in Belgium. They were strangers that became friends in over a few months. Who knew they would become best of friends over a bowl of salad?

"Alright. Alright. Your pitch. Please." Ayu is annoyed with Pam's nagging. She waved her right hand at Pam trying to silence her. Ayu's left hand supports her chin from the table. "You never changed." Ayu groggily told Pam off.

"Girl! If it were not for my generosity you would not be here. How many times should I tell you to get used to my morning sermon?" Pam was pouring her heart out. It may not look good to onlookers, but this is how they communicate. Pam nags Ayu whenever she acts irresponsibly.

Ayu suddenly got up from where she was sitting. "Holy water!" The strong aroma that filled the room boost up her energy. Ayu walked to the sink, took a cup, and poured the freshly brewed coffee. "Good." Ayu uttered after sniffing her cup. Her eyes half-closed enjoying the moment. Then, she took a sip.

"I have not noticed you last night because you usually unpack once you get back. Does that mean you're going away again?" Pam was curious about her friend's next quest.

"Yes. I will fly to Lisbon tonight. I'm not sure when to get back yet." Ayu's face now seemed bright after sipping coffee. No trace of the sudden morning plight.

"Portugal? Why?" Pam inquired.

"Just giving a lecture about my latest research." Ayu gave her an excited smile. Ayu has always worked the hours that God sends so her enthusiasm was never new to Pam.

Ayu has been flying around the United States, Europe, and Asia for a while now, but she does not show any weariness. If there was any, she must have made a great act hiding it.

In Pam's mind, Ayu was tirelessly flying around to get away from her family. Pam knew that Ayu could afford more than this apartment but when Pam met her, Ayu looks like a lost puppy. Ayu kept to herself and lived in hotels day and night. The only difference she has to a corpse is that she breathes. A year after they met, Ayu totally turned into a human who now knows how to express herself to the point where even Pam gets frustrated.

They met during the first week of the opening of Pam's chicken bistro. Ayu was there every morning and eating the same meal every single day. Pam came up to Ayu one day and tried to make a conversation. Ayu was like a solid wall. She won't open up. Later, Pam gave her a free bowl of the bistro's new salad recipe. It turns out that Ayu has a rare food allergy. Pam's restaurant serves chicken meat and it just happens that they have a salad on the menu. Ironic.

Ayu talked to her tirelessly after that morning. Every day, Pam would give her a new salad bowl and a mug of coffee. Ayu was like a little kid that instantly became sweet after receiving candy.

Pam became an older sister to Ayu and a mother at times. This is crazy given that Pam was only three years older than Ayu.

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