Chapter 26 - Morning After

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I'm woken up by crying. Sky is next to me, eyes closed but tears streaming down her face. She is mumbling incoherencies I don't understand.

"Skylar, wake up," I say, gently shaking her. She wakes with a start, eyes shooting open, before recognition sets in.

"Dmitri, is everything all right?" She looks bewildered. This woman. Concerned about me instead of herself.

"I should be asking you that question. You were having a nightmare. A bad one, I gather, from all the waterworks."

She smiles before mumbling, "It's usual. I'm all good. Sorry for waking you." 

She picks up her phone from the nightstand, checking the time. It's around seven in the morning. I can tell by how the light is coming through the sides of the curtains. Her stomach growls. Not surprising, really. She hasn't eaten much over the last couple of days. Grabbing the phone next to me, I call down to reception.

"Send up everything on your breakfast menu," I say into the receiver, hanging up once the order is confirmed. Sky is looking at me, a massive grin on her beautiful face.

"I'm starving," she says like I didn't know. "I hope it doesn't take long."

She throws the cover off, jumping out of bed excitedly.

"You want some coffee?" She asks as she makes her way out of the room.

"Sure." I smile as I walk to the bedroom door, watching Sky, who is now on the opposite side of the room, messing around with the fancy coffee maker on the counter.

She is muttering to herself. I hear 'stupid machine' and 'do you need a degree to work this' leaving her lips. Her hair is a bright red mess of curls, bouncing as she moves. She is wearing a blue strappy top, the lack of bra straps noticeable. The little white cotton sleeping shorts are covered with tiny blue flowers. I can make out the line of her panties through the thin fabric. Sexy as hell.

Sky wears these little bikini panties. They don't cover her whole ass, just enough to leave you gagging to see the rest. I noticed last night when I removed her jeans after she passed out. Sleeping in jeans is one of the most uncomfortable things on earth, so I thought I was doing her a favor.

Favor for her, torture for me. As I peeled her skin-tight jeans off over her ass and shimmied them down her legs, the sight of her in just those panties and a top was hands down the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Her skin is soft. It must be from all the natural creams she uses, as I swear, I've never felt skin as soft as hers.

From the way her hips flare out, moving down her waist to the roundness of her ass, it's all perfect. She has two dimples on her lower back that you wouldn't know are there until you see her naked or if she wears a crop top, which is not Sky's style. A part of me hopes I am the first man to see these dimples as if made for my eyes only.

When I finished removing her jeans and putting a cloth on her sweating brow, my hard-on was raging. It finally subsided, which took a good half hour of thinking about the paperwork I had to complete when we returned to Willow Falls—that and reminding myself that she was unconscious. I had shimmied in behind her, justifying the action by telling myself it was the best way for me to watch her and comfort her. I call bullshit on that lame excuse. Honestly, I just wanted her close to me.

What happened after that was a delightful surprise. And peculiar. When Sky orgasmed last night, a burst of energy shot off her through me. It was so intense it nudged me over the edge into the most mind-blowing climax, unrivaled to that of any sexual experiences I have ever had previously. If that was the case and I had that feeling through self-gratification alone, the thought of how it would feel with my dick buried deep inside Sky sent a delicious shiver down my spine.

I make my way over to the closet, pulling a shirt on and some jeans over my boxers, hoping it would help conceal yet another erection created by me reminiscing over the events of early morning. By the time this trip is over, my balls will be blue, as there will be no repeat of what happened. I couldn't afford for Sky to get attached to me. I know how easily human females develop feelings, fickle beings, in my opinion. Falling in and out of love like it's an outfit to wear and discard when the trend is over. Love doesn't go out of fashion. It's a commitment.

When I re-emerge from the closet, Sky is sitting at the table facing the balcony, sipping on her coffee, my coffee placed on the table beside her. There is a knock on the door. She looks over her shoulder quizzically.

"Room service," I say, heading for the door.

I open the door, moving over to allow a smartly dressed young werewolf entry to push in a cart full of covered trays. He edges forward after I point to the dining table, stopping the trolley just beside it. His eyes are on Sky, who is beaming up at him, one leg pulled to her chest on the chair she is sitting on. The youngster is enthralled.

"Thank you so much," she says, smiling at him, his hands still on the cart handle, eyes locked with hers, a goofy grin plastered on his face. She is so fucking oblivious.

I clear my throat loudly, still standing at the door. It effectively breaks the kid out of his trance. He mumbles an "It's a pleasure" to Sky before swinging his eyes to meet my stern gaze. Fear starts pouring off him in waves. He walks towards me and out of the room, eyes glued to the floor.

After closing the door, I turn around to find Sky has gotten up and is busy lifting off all the coverings on the trays. The platters are filled with eggs, pancakes, toast, bacon, tomatoes, mushroom, croissants, fruit, yogurt, and other items I can't see from where I'm standing.

"Oh my god, this is so much food, Dmitri! Yummy! Come eat!" she exclaims excitedly, busy piling her plate full of every item that is not meat.

I chuckle. She is like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Walking over, I grab a plate, mirroring her movements but adding all the meat items to my plate, along with bits of everything else.

We devour breakfast in silence, me watching her intently as she eats. Everything she does is with passion and vigor, even eating, as she moans in delight while enjoying a mouth full of mushrooms.

I remove her fully devoured plate and mine and roll the trolley back to the door for room service to collect later.

Sky is beaming at me as I sit back down. "Thank you, that breakfast was just what I needed."

"As a guest of honor, we get only the best." The perks of being powerful.

"You're a guest of honor?" She asks seriously. "What does that mean exactly?"

"Well, I'm the nominated representative for the werewolf and Lycan race for this annual get-together. Have been for the last couple of decades. As Alpha of the strongest pack in the Northern Hemisphere, it makes sense," I say plainly.

"So that's a big deal, right?" Sky's face is a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"I suppose so," I say back, not sure what the big deal is.

"And you brought me here with you as your plus one. Had you planned on coming alone then?" Comprehension at her line of questioning dawns on me. Tricky. 

"Does it matter?" I ask, looking away from her and out the windows leading to the balcony.

"Dmitri, did I take someone's place, coming here with you? Your responsibility to protect me, resulting in this situation. Did I take someone else's place?" she is leaning forward, staring at me intently.

"Eleanor," I say flatly, looking back at her.

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