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I'm literally gob-smacked. The room I am in, which appears to be the lounge area of this gorgeous log cabin home, is utterly breathtaking. The whole one wall is dedicated to a fireplace, with an intricate rock design framing it and going up the entire length of the wall. The ceiling is high, with two stories making up the structure. From what I can see, the second floor consists of various rooms, with a large wooden banister overlooking the area we are currently standing in.
Gorgeous brown upholstered couches adorn the space in front of the fireplace, the entire feel of this room screaming relaxation. Behind this area is a large, framed entrance leading into a massive kitchen with an island in the middle. The chairs surrounding one side of the island look out through a large window facing the forest, the perfect view to accompany any meal.
"Wow. This is straight out of a magazine Dmitri. It's stunning." I'm pretty sure my face says it all.
"It's just been recently built. I designed it." He says this so nonchalantly that I am reminded that this is probably normal for someone who has lived as long as he has. Lots of time to hone various skills and learn new things. I wonder how many degrees he has.
I look over at him, a blush creeping onto my cheeks as I take in this sculpted perfection of a man standing beside me. His body is all muscle, not an ounce of soft squishy that I have.
"I'm glad you like it." He says this with a hint of something in his voice I can't really fathom, as if my approval is necessary.
"Come, I need to get ready, but you can keep me company." He grabs my hand as tingles I haven't felt in days ignite my skin. I've missed this feeling. I move my gaze from our hands to Dmitri's unearthly green eyes.
"I missed you, Skylar," Dmitri says as he embraces me, his hand finding the back of my neck.
His lips touch mine, the kiss slow and sensual, both of us savoring the taste we have craved for days. My hands run a slow path up his back, fingers exploring the muscular landscape as his tongue enters my mouth.
The slow kiss quickly turns into something so much more, longing fueling the duel of our tongues. His hand at my neck holds me still as he assaults my mouth. He releases my mouth and starts trailing kisses down my cheek, jawbone, and neck. His tongue flicks out and licks the sensitive area below my ear, a shiver running through my body. I groan as his mouth latches onto my neck, kissing and sucking. I'm so aroused, my need for Dmitri causing me to clench my thighs as wetness coats my pussy.
He groans as he whispers my favorite words in my ear. "I can smell you, Skylar."
His voice is huskier than ever, a growl reverberating through him as he takes a deep breath. I've had so many erotic dreams and fantasies about him, leaving me feeling unfulfilled for days, that those words nearly push me to climax right here and now.
I jump at the sound of a phone ringing.
Dmitri rolls his head back. His eyes close with frustration as he steps away from me, curse words flowing out of his mouth as he looks at his mobile lying on the coffee table.
"Fucking timing," he mutters, a laugh escaping me. He looks at me, a smile creeping onto his face as he walks over and answers the incessantly ringing phone.
Werewolf#1 Werewolf (08.09.2022) Skylar Morgan has been plagued by recurring nightmares since her eighteenth birthday. Eight years later, she has set up her dream shop in a quiet town, accepting the nightmares as part of her life. But when strange new faces...