Chapter 57 - Faltering

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His hand is waiting in the air, his statement not really leaving any more room for objection. My side was killing me. It was definitely the worst one so far. Dancing might just be the end of me, but what choice did I have? I was running out of excuses, and my reluctance might cause a scene I just didn't have the energy for.

Relinquishing, I get up, breathing through the pain that shoots from my side down my arm. I take Dmitri's hand. Tingles I have longed to feel exploding at the touch. Dmitri promptly drops my hand, the action causing sadness to well in my heart. He gestures towards the dance floor, his expression remaining blank. His hand finds the small of my back, and I flinch at the contact it makes, the bruise on my lower back still painful. I hope he didn't notice, but his hand remains where it is, so I must be good.

We reach the dance floor, which is only moderately filled with couples dancing. Something I am incredibly grateful for. We remain on the more secluded side towards the back, memories of the last time he and I danced flooding me and causing a blush to appear. Something I haven't experienced since being with Dmitri. He takes my hand in his, tingles once again erupting, but this time he doesn't pull away. He places his other hand on my right-hand side, and I count myself lucky that the bruise is on the opposite side. If we moved slowly, I might actually get through this.

We sway from side to side, my mind still caught up in the fact that I might get away with a dance with Dmitri unscathed.

"Skylar, are you listening to me?" He is frowning, and his voice is much harsher than I remember—no warmth, desire, or feeling.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" I get lost in his unearthly green eyes as he just stares at me.

I growl escapes his throat, breaking the spell.

"I asked you, where are you staying since you left Willow Falls?" I look at him, wondering how I should answer. Initially, back when I moved to Chris's place, I didn't want to tell him where I lived, but that was when I thought he might come for me. Now that I know he won't, there is no need to keep it from him.

"I'm staying a couple of towns over in Fairville. Chris is letting me stay with him until I can find a place." I look away, unable to hold his gaze any longer.

"Why would you be looking for a place if you guys are together? What difference does it make?" he asks, reminding me that Chris and I are supposed to be a couple.

"Ahh, yes, we spoke about that recently, and what you are saying makes sense." Geez, did what I said now even make sense?

"So, you must be excited about being a father. When is Savannah due?" I change the subject, jealousy bubbling up as I ask the question. I hate the feeling. The unfiltered thought crosses my mind that I wish I were pregnant with Dmitri's baby, not her.

"She is due in six weeks." He doesn't sound happy, and when I look at him, he is looking off into the distance, deep in his own thoughts. He feels me staring and locks eyes with me.

"I guess we are both happy then." His face looks anything but happy. I can only imagine mine mirrors his.

"I guess we are." I look away as tears start threatening to spill.

My heart feels like a China vase that has been shattered and put together again, with small pieces missing. As I dance with him, it feels like little pieces I thought I glued tightly back are just popping out and dashing into smithereens. I blink back my tears.

"You've changed." It's not a question he asks, just a statement. I know I have changed. I've become weaker and more insecure. I don't like who I am. I don't like how frail and alone I feel. I don't like the person I have become. The last time I actually looked in the mirror and saw a person I could stand to be alone with for more than a minute was over a year ago.

"We all change, I suppose. That's life." I level him with one of my practiced fake smiles.

He is still frowning, his face holding nothing but disbelief and something else. Is it pity?

Too late, I realize we have stopped dancing, causing another couple to collide with us, the woman's back bumping painfully into my side. It wasn't even that hard, but I think at this point, even just looking at the spot will elicit pain.

I can't help the small scream that escapes my mouth as one hand cups my side while the other flies to my mouth, hoping to stifle the sound. The woman apologizes profusely, but I stand upright, wincing at the movement. I tell her not to worry and start walking towards the exit leading out to the garden, leaving Dmitri on the dance floor.

I make it out the door and around the corner before my legs give out. Tears stream down my face as wave after wave of pure, undiluted pain shoots out from not only my side but also my back, which is aggravated by my crouched-over position.

"What the fuck Skylar." Dmitri hisses as he leans down next to me.

"Go away, Dmitri." The words are strained. I feel like I can't breathe. I vomit, the tiny bit of champagne coming up.

"No. Tell me what's wrong with you. I'm not a fucking idiot. I can tell something is wrong. You're in pain. Not just from that woman bumping into you. I saw you flinch when I touched your back on the way to the dance floor and when that guy elbowed you accidentally. And I can feel you are skin and bones. What the fuck is going on." I want to tell him, but he is with Savannah now. His mate. The one he is bound to. And what would I tell him anyway? I had no idea what was happening.

"Nothing is wrong, Dmitri. Just give me a minute, and then I'll be fine." I try and calm my voice, hoping to reassure him.

"I don't believe you. I'm taking you inside to see Raina. She is in the meeting, but I'll call her out."

Before I can protest, a commotion erupts behind us.

"You fucking bitch!" I slowly look around to see Savannah standing behind us, her eyes fixed on me. Dmitri takes a step towards her, his hand raking through his hair. "Go back inside, Savannah. I don't have time for your shit right now." Dmitri grits out, anger emanating from his very being.

I push myself up, using the pillar next to me as leverage.

"Always her. You, out here with this human piece of trash. After everything I have done, everything I have given up. A whole year of my life waiting for you to love me. He promised me you would be with me. He said it would be like we were real mates. I even did this," she says, pointing at her stomach, "hoping you would finally want me. But you don't! You have never wanted me! I hate you! I hate you both!" She is screaming so loud that a crowd has started to form. I see Ivan and the woman from the bathroom push through the crowd. Yet another ball that will end in disaster.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Savannah. You better tell me what's going on right now, or so help me, I won't be held accountable for my actions." Dmitri is so angry his Lycan appears to be pushing forward. His hands have turned to claws, and his canines have extended. His eyes are black as night. I should be scared, but I'm not. I look over at Savannah, who sensibly seems to be overcome with fear, her rant halted in its tracks.

"The hooded warlock, he told me that if I did what he said, you would be with me. We're...we're not real mates." She says it so quietly I almost miss what she is saying and must take a few steps forward. I reach Dmitri's side as he asks his next question. "And the baby," he grinds out, Savannah at least having the decency to look a little ashamed as she answers.

"It's not yours. I set it up to look like that, but you wouldn't even get it up with me. I had no choice..."

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