Chapter 15 - Revelations

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I've just pulled my black SUV into the driveway outside Sky's house. Her bike is parked near the front, so I know she is home. Getting out, I grab the pizzas and a chilled bottle of semi-sweet white wine from the back seat.

After everything surrounding Sky, the communication intercepted from the Hunters, and last night's incident, I needed to play open cards. The Hunter was clearly here for her, and I could protect her better if she knew the situation.

Ivan, Kira, and I spent the day interrogating the man to no avail. He was indoctrinated to die rather than spill the beans, and if we carried on, that is exactly what would happen. That left us no closer to finding out what they wanted with Sky. It would take days before we could get anything off the crushed phone, and from experience, those offered up little to no information, burner phones that were disposable.

In the meantime, I called the Alphas closest to us, asking them to see if they could get any intel on the Hunter's interest in Sky. Inconspicuously, as I didn't want to risk bringing more attention to her or this town. My surveillance team was already working our network of informants, trying to get information on the situation. With any luck, we would see some results in the next couple of days.

I couldn't fully trust Sky, not knowing if she was somehow working for them, maybe giving them intel. It bothered me even though a part of me emphatically knew this wasn't the case. But I had to be sure. I hoped tonight would shed light on her connection to them, or lack thereof. People had telling signs when they were lying. Their heart rate increased, they fidgetted, their coloring changed slightly as the blood rushed around, and they perspired more, all things I could pick up on easily. Being alive so long had its benefits and meant that I could tell if someone was lying within seconds.

Before I can knock on the front door, it swings open, Sky standing there, hair wet. Her heart is racing, and her cheeks are flushed. I take in her appearance. As usual, her face is free of makeup. There are slight dark marks under her eyes from lack of sleep. It must be after last night. She has some clear lip balm on, my eyes lingering on her mouth longer than they should.

She is no longer wearing the dress from this morning. It's swopped out for a pair of loose black bohemian pants which hang off her hips and a tight white tank top. The bra she is wearing slightly pushes her breasts up and together, giving the looker a not-too-obvious view of her cleavage. Much sexier than if it was on full display. Her wrists are adorned in a variety of multicolored beaded bracelets. Seems to be something she never goes without.

"Hi, Dmitri," she greets, smiling and motioning me in.

"You can put the boxes in the kitchen. I was thinking we could eat outside?" She leads the way to her kitchen, my eyes following the sway of her hips and the slant of her waist. My hand would slide down it perfectly.

"Sounds good. I wasn't sure of your taste in wine, so I got a semi-sweet, best of both worlds." I put the bottle on the kitchen counter.

"Are you in a hurry to eat, or should we have a glass of wine first?" I ask her, grabbing two wine glasses from the open shelving unit beside me.

"Wine first." She grabs a bottle opener before we head out to a table and chairs under a huge pine tree next to her house. It's certainly picturesque and peaceful out here. Nature seems to physically soothe Sky, her shoulders relaxing and her face softening as she looks at the scenery.

She hands me the bottle opener, and I make short work of opening the wine and pouring a generous amount into our glasses. I have a feeling we may need it with what's to come. Though for me, it would take more than a bottle to really impact me, and the effects are short-lived. Tastes good, though.

"So, how was your day?" Sky asks, breaking the silence as awkwardness sets in. She is clearly intrigued by what has prompted this little soirée, but she is waiting for me to open that conversation.

"Same as every day," I say, giving her a small smile to cover up the scowl that nearly appears on my face thinking about the interrogation of the Hunter that took place earlier today.

"And yours?" I ask politely back.

"It was great. Quite a couple of tourists are in town, and they have been in and out of the shop. Might be my biggest month yet," she gushes, pulling her feet up onto her chair and wrapping her arm around her legs. Sitting like that, she looks much younger, more vulnerable. It ignites an instinctive desire to protect her that I haven't felt for anyone in a long time.

"I'm sure it will be." Those so-called tourists we actually pack members tasked with watching her and her shop. I was surprised that they were purchasing her products though, as werewolves had little to no ailments and thus had little use for anti-inflammatory balms.

When silence once again settles in, it becomes obvious that Sky is anxious, her hands fiddling with the hem of her top. It was time to broach this subject. I just hoped she would be open to what I had to say. Humans often could not or would not accept that there were beings, other than themselves, roaming the Earth. Here goes nothing.

"Skylar, I want to explain some things about last night." She nods, taking another sip of her wine, waiting expectantly for me to continue.

"As a new resident to the town, there are some things you don't know, things that only the long-standing residents and a select other few know."

"Is this about the werewolves?" The words leave her mouth plain as day, as if we are talking about the weather.

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