Chapter 50 - Savannah

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How the fuck had this happened. One minute I was blissfully happy with the woman of my dreams, and the next, I'm watching her walk away with another man, the look of hurt, shame, embarrassment, and anguish plastered on her face and reflected in her beautiful hazel eyes.

Savannah. That is what happened. At the mention by Ryan of Sky being my girlfriend, Savannah promptly proposed we toast to that, handing all of us a glass of champagne from the waiter as he passed. I usually enjoyed champagne, but the one I was given was too dry and earthy. Nonetheless, not wanting to offend, I reluctantly joined in on the toast, the liquid burning my throat as it went down.

Savannah proceeded to sidle up to me at the table, cooing words about what a loss it would be for the female population now that I was taken off the market, and by a human, no less. Before I could say anything, she placed her hand on mine on the table, that somewhat alluring scent I smelt earlier on her more prominent.

And that's when we felt it. Sparks erupted where our hands met. I was surprised, but Savannah seemed almost expectant of the situation as if she already knew. There was no denying it. The sparks were much stronger than what I felt when touching Sky.

"Mine," Savannah said, loud enough for everyone around us to hear.

Gasps could be heard, and a crowd started to form.

"You're my mate," she squealed before plastering her body to mine while her mouth caught mine off guard with a full-on kiss.

I sensed and smelt Sky before I saw her—the silence of the crowd spoke volumes.

Savannah must have felt my discomfort as she ended the kiss, her eyes moving from mine to Sky's. I didn't miss the smirk she had on her face as she looked at the woman I love in front of us. But publicly rejecting my mate was unspeakable. Rejection, public or private, could not happen. Mates were a gift from the deity that, if rejected, could lead to not only each mate's demise but also the pack's demise if your status was Alpha. Rejecting binding weakened both parties and, in turn, weakened the pack.

I did the only thing I could. 

"My mate," I announced. The words had sat in my mouth like acid as I looked at Savannah.

Sky had stepped back, her eyes darting wildly around the room. I could see her feelings. They were displayed on her perfect face for everyone to see. It tore me apart inside.

A man I had not noticed before stepped forward, his hand gently taking Sky's arm, both firmly plastered against her body. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes, unshed tears brimming. A growl escaped before I could contain it, Savannah stiffening at my side. How dare he touch her.

"Let's go, Skylar." Another growl I couldn't contain at this unknown man using the name that was supposed to be reserved for my use only. Who was this guy? How did he even know her? His voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. He looked down at her with sadness and another look I knew all too well, as I wore that same look many times around her. Adoration and possessiveness.

Defeated, her head had dipped, leaving her missing the look of anger that crossed the man's face when he glanced my way.

That was the last I saw of Sky as she was led away. I mind-linked Ivan to inform me of her whereabouts, but he returned with nothing. She seemed to have left the property with the stranger. The same stranger I was currently having a full background check carried out on. He wasn't even one of us.

As instructed, Ivan sent out a patrol to her house in case she went back there. I had pulled the guards that usually patrolled her home and shop as they were needed here for the event.

Savannah finally left my side as people came up, congratulating us. She was lapping up the attention while I just wanted to be left alone.

Ivan comes striding towards me, a solemn look on his face, Rene close by his side. I am standing at the back of the tent after having walked around the whole place looking for Sky, the ruse of mingling and greeting guests sufficient for Savannah to leave me be. Coupled with the attention she was being lavished with by people coming up to her to congratulate her as the mate of the Lycan Alpha, her focus was luckily elsewhere for the time being.

"News." I spit out, my eyes boring into Ivan.

"She is at her house. We logged into the surveillance cameras and saw her entering her place around fifteen minutes ago." He hesitates before he continues, his train of thought mirroring mine. "We don't know how she got there so quickly. Also..." he pauses yet again, looking at Rene before he continues, "She wasn't alone."

The anger I feel is so powerful my Lycan momentarily pushes forward, causing Rene to take a step back in fear. Ivan has known me long enough and stands his ground. I take control, pushing my Lycan back down.

"His name is Chris Marlof. He is a guest of Alpha Jacobson's Pack. He supplies their healer with herbs. He is a warlock. That's probably how he managed to get Sky to her house so quickly, though shifting two people simultaneously, is usually something only very powerful witches or warlocks can do. For someone so powerful, he is not well known. I asked Raina if she had any information on him, and she has never heard the name before. She will see what she can find. You will have a full report by tomorrow morning."

"How does he know Skylar?" I ask Ivan, Rene answering in his stead.

"He supplies her shop with herbs. He has been flirting with her for months whenever he calls, but Sky has been too naïve to realize. Maybe it's that he is a warlock, a fact I was unaware of until now, but something about him makes me uneasy. Whenever he calls, I get a strange feeling." Rene's concern becomes my concern. We didn't know enough about this guy. A guy who was currently in Sky's house alone with her. The same guy who was on the phone with her a week ago in Spain.

Before I can continue, a voice I am supposed to love but just couldn't muster even a little bit of like for, interrupts our conversation.

"There you are, Dmitri baby, I was looking for you everywhere," Savannah drawls as she drapes her arm around mine, her breasts pushed firmly against my bicep.

"I'll talk to you later," I say to Ivan, dismissing him and Rene with a look.

"Savannah. It's been a long night. I'm tired. Let's call it an evening." The words come out sounding more clipped than I intended.

It's not Savannah's fault she is my mate, and she has done nothing wrong except be annoying. I don't want to mistreat her. But I also cannot seem to find any of the attraction, emotional connection, or any common ground I would expect to find between two mates. From everything I have read and seen regarding binding, this was definitely not how it goes. But there was no mistaking the sparks I could feel, even now, as her hand gripped mine.

Either Savannah is oblivious to my tone and mood, or she downright ignores it as the following words leave her mouth. "Sure, Dmitri. Your place or mine?"

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