Chapter 64 - Back Again

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It's been two weeks since I have been back in Willow Falls. I was apprehensive about how this would work out with Dmitri and me, but true to his word, we barely saw each other. More specifically, we never saw each other. The last time I saw him was two weeks ago when he dropped me off here at home. The security system kept him well informed if anything suspicious was happening, and I saw what I could only assume to be one of his security staff doing rounds a couple of nights over the two weeks.

I've spent the first week back re-arranging and spring cleaning the house, stocking the fridge, and making infusions for new products. I tried calling Chris, not only to get my products from him that he had in his shop but also to confront him about the tea. His phone was always off, so I gave up.

I couldn't believe yet another person had managed to keep secrets from me and deceive me. Whenever I stopped doing anything, I would be overcome with an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. I fill every minute of the day with activities just to avoid the feeling, but when night comes and I lie in bed, those feelings wash over me. They consume me until all I can do is sob out the pain. This is usually how I fall asleep. The only blessing is that I am so exhausted I don't dream. The last time I had my recurring dream was the last week I lived with Chris.

The second week of being back has proved more challenging. I finished the pain relief herbs Ally gave me, which means I can now feel all the bruising previously numbed. I have also been unable to release the energy Raina spoke about by pleasuring myself. The first week I was way too busy and tired. And I've been in too much pain this week to even think of doing that. Honestly, I wasn't even sure I believed all that.

Regardless, that has led me to the current situation I find myself in. When I woke up this morning, there was a massive bruise on the right side of my hip, just over the joint. I managed to get to the kitchen and ice the spot, but the relief was short-lived. I had one more painkiller from the doctor, which I took in the morning. However, it was now late afternoon, and it had worn off. It would have been almost bearable had it not been for me clumsily walking into the table in the dining room moments ago.

The pain was so intense I am sure I actually screamed out in agony, but I can't be sure. I was now just standing in one spot, tears streaming down my face, wondering how I got here. How was I in this situation?

My best bet was to try and hobble over to the couch in the lounge. As I take a step forward, the pain is so sharp I know I scream out, the very table that has caused this dilemma being the only support I have at the moment keeping me up. Traitor.

I'm so wrapped up in myself and my sobbing that I don't hear the front door behind me open or the quiet steps approaching me from behind.

"Are you okay, Skylar?" My body cannot even furnish a shocked response. It is so engulfed in pain. And the voice is one that I shouldn't allow to calm me, but it does. Dmitri.

"Now's not a good time Dmitri," I say, sobbing, unable to even move an inch to look at him. He moves to stand before me, but I keep my head down. All I can see are his sneaker-covered feet. I'm not in the mood for him to see me like this. It's been two weeks for him to see me again like this, I just can't. I have some pride.

"What's wrong? I heard you scream." His voice holds absolutely no emotion. Why is he even here?

"You heard me scream? What are you even doing here, Dmitri?" I ask him, tears still streaming down my face, frustrated with him and myself. Frustrated with everything. Thankfully I am hunched over as I stand there, so I doubt he can see my face. My nose is now running from crying. I'm really a mess. He must just leave.

"Well, not me. One of the guys from the security detail heard you, and I was in the area when he called, so I thought I would check it out." I can't say I believe that story. I just screamed a few minutes ago, so how did he get here so fast? Unless he ran, but that fast? And from where? Not something I have the energy to get into now.

"I'm fine. If you could please just bring me a bit of tissue from the bathroom, then you can be on your way." I hope he does this for me and then leaves. I can't seem to stop the tears or my nose from running, so this would be super helpful. I am not one of those pretty criers. My face gets splotchy, my nose leaks, and my eyes get puffy. It's far from glamorous. Might as well ask this one thing while he is here.

"You can't get it, Skylar?" I hate him right at this moment. Why is he prying? Why can't he just do this one thing for me and then fuck off?

"Never mind, Dmitri. I will get it myself. You have seen me. I am alive. You have fulfilled your duty. Now you can leave. Please lock the door behind you on the way out. Actually, where did you get a key to my house?" The thought only crosses my mind now. Geez, I'm useless.

"I have a copy from when my guys installed the security cameras, remember?" He always has an answer.

"Okay, well, I'll get the key from you some other time, so just lock the door on the way out." I don't think I could move around that much to ensure everything is locked up. At least this way, I know the front door is secure.

"What's going on, Skylar?" His voice sounds softer, and he catches me off guard when he reaches his hand out to move the curtain of hair currently covering my face.

I make the mistake of jerking back, the movement causing a sharp shoot of pain to run from my hip to my wrist. I stifle the scream with the hand not supporting my weight on the table.

"You're hurt." There is a long period of silence. "Where, Skylar?" He sounds concerned. I still can't bring myself to look at him. It fucking hurts so bad. I need help, but why must it be from him?

"My hip. It was okay, but then I accidentally bumped it on this table actually," I say quietly. "I finished the pain medicine Ally gave me, and I only had one more that the doctor prescribed a while back...and that wore off."

There is another stretch of silence before his feet vanish, and I hear him head off toward the bathroom. It's not long before his feet reappear along with some tissues, which I gratefully take. I try and clean up my face as best I can. My crying has calmed down, small hiccups now left in its wake.

"Look at me, Skylar?" Dmitri's voice is gentle but firm. It doesn't seem like he is leaving, so I just have to face him.

And face him, I do. My gaze slowly travels from his feet, up his jean-clad legs and thighs, over his light blue muscle-hugging t-shirt, showcasing his six-pack and pecs, right up over plump lips until I meet his unearthly green eyes. He has missed a day or two of shaving, a look he pulls off effortlessly. Why must he look so damn fine while I look like a fucking building that has just been demolished?

"Can you walk?" His eyes hold concern, something I haven't seen for so long and that I now realize I have missed.

"Honestly, I can't even bullshit you at this point. I don't think I can walk." There is no point in even stating otherwise.

"Okay. I'm going to be as gentle as I can, but this is probably going to hurt. Brace yourself." 

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