Chapter 10 - Dinner (Her)

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The day passed quickly with Rene being off doing who knows what with Ivan. Yesterday after Ivan and Dmitri left, I bombarded her with questions about the two of them. She couldn't tell me much about Dmitri, but she did say that she hit it off in a major way with Ivan and that she wanted today off to spend time with him. I agreed. She was never off, and people can do what they want with their leave days, so who was I to argue? I did, however, ask her to call me during the day just to let me know she hadn't been kidnapped.

I cautioned her to take it slow. She had just met the guy, and who knows what type of person he is? He could be a serial killer or a dude who parks in handicapped parking spaces, for all we know. She assured me that where she comes from, love at first sight was normal.

Come to think of it, I don't know much about her. We talk, but that usually involves her asking questions about me and my life. When I do ask her about her background, she changes the subject. I just assume something terrible must have happened to her, which she doesn't want to discuss. Maybe she was in a cult where girls are brainwashed by huge bulky men.

We will find out tonight. She called me during lunchtime to tell me she was still a free woman and promptly invited me to dinner with her and Ivan at the diner. "His favorite place," she gushed over the phone. I could well believe it, considering the number of times I had seen him there over the last week. That makes you as bad, I thought, laughing to myself.

I agreed. They do an excellent vegan burger, and I don't like cooking, so that's a huge affirmative from me. I don't usually go to the diner as I don't have friends besides Rene, and I don't fancy sitting by myself being stared at. "Like being stared at in a crowd is any better," I mumble to myself, smirking as I lock the shop door. I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts that I literally jump when I hear a deep, slightly Russian-accented voice behind me quietly say, "They're just jealous."

Insta wet. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but it was close. Though I've only heard it once, I would know that deep voice anywhere. I spin around, heart beating out of my chest, and nearly bump into the muscular torso standing way too close to me. He steps back, and I look up into gorgeous green eyes. Dmitri.

"What are you doing here?" I blurt out. Smooth Sky. Very smooth. I can feel my cheeks are red. Not just any red, more like mini suns have decided to emit their rays from my cheeks.

"It's nice to see you too, Skylar," he says, subtly hinting at my rudeness, making me blush further. I don't usually like people calling me Skylar, but coming out of this man's mouth, he makes it sound exotic.

"I came to walk you to the diner," his eyes never leaving mine. "Rene and Ivan invited me for dinner. I was on my way there, I know you're also going, so I thought we could walk together."

"You're having dinner as well," I repeat before muttering under my breath, "I thought it was just the three of us." I break eye contact, looking down as I slip the shop keys into my bag—a minute to hide my flaming cheeks and escape the intensity of his gaze.

When I look back up, I see a small frown on his face.

"You don't want me there," he states rather than asks.

"No, no, that's not it," I quickly say, "I'm just surprised, that's all." I offer him a small smile which seems to relax him and smooth that slight frown. Even frowning, he is hot. Men like this make me think about the unfairness of life. I know he probably works hard to get his body looking the way it does, but did he have to be dished out everything? Killer body, unreal eyes, deep voice, an accent that drops panties, I mean, really. He must have a flaw. Bad breath? Snoring? Maybe he doesn't drink coffee or something equally insane?

"You ready?" he asks, indicating toward the diner.

"For sure." I move around his hulking form before I start walking.

He drops into step next to me. I get the feeling he is used to walking much quicker but is just being courteous by keeping to my pace. It's awkward. I'm not sure if he is not a man of many words or if he is just also feeling uncomfortable. Whatever the case, we end up walking the entire distance, which isn't that far, luckily, in complete silence. I throw him some side glances, taking in his appearance. His hair is in a sexy half ponytail again, giving me an unobscured view of his gorgeous features. He is wearing a pair of fitted jeans and a white t-shirt, clothes being just a display cabinet for his muscles.

He holds the door open for me when we get to the diner, and I walk in, giving Anton a quick hello before scanning the tables for Rene and Ivan. Instead of Ivan sitting in his usual booth in the corner, I spot him sitting in a roomier booth on the side. I head over to the table, Dmitri in tow behind me. The diner is full for dinner service, and I can feel all eyes following me as I make my way through the tables.

"Hey guys," I say, smiling at Rene and Ivan, who are sitting nearly on top of each other on one side of the table.

"Sky," Rene says, smiling in greeting.

"Come sit," she points to the other side of the table. I suddenly realize that I will be sitting next to Mister Unbelievable. I slide into the booth, moving as far down as I can. Gigantosaurus needs space.

Dmitri slides into the booth next to me, our legs just barely touching. I can see his thick thighs putting pressure on the fabric of his jeans.

"Sky, it's nice to see you again," Ivan says, breaking the silence. "We never really got a chance to chat the other day." He has a smile on his face, making him appear much more relaxed compared to all the other times we have eyed each other out when I come for coffee.

"Good to see you too," I say, containing my happiness when I see Larry out of the corner of my eye approaching our table. I'm not great with conversation, and interruptions are great for redirecting. Looking behind Larry, I can see the other diners looking at us before whispering to each other. I know they stare at me, but this time it's probably about Dmitri. He is new here, and we all know how they receive newcomers. And he is gigantic and gorgeous, enough for him to be the star of many whispered rumors in this town. I settle on that before turning my attention to Larry, who has now reached our table.

"Hey Larry, it's been a while," I say to him, earning a shy smile.

He blushes before asking us if we want anything to drink.

I can feel Dmitri looking at me.

"Water," he says, keeping his eyes on me.

"Make that two. Thank you, Larry," I say before he turns his attention to Ivan, who orders his usual Coke, seconded by Rene. They are even drinking the same things now. Pot, kettle, I remind myself, remembering the two glasses of water we just ordered. My gaze drifts back over to Dmitri. This is going to be a long evening.

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