03: Split Personality

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Second day of school in Mission Creek and I think I made friends. Leo invited me to be apart of his little tour guide. It consisted of his siblings and me. I could use the little guide, I still get lost around the place. The only areas that I already know was the principal's office and cafeteria/gym. It was near the entrance which made it a lot easier to find them.

"Alright people follow me." Leo said, waving for us to follow him. We trailed behind him and he escorted us to the cafeteria where he said we'll wait for first period to start.

I was at the back of the small group Leo was leading.

"Hey, you!"

The sudden outburst of Principal Perry startled me. Principal Perry stood between two tables and had her attention on a student.

She tramped closer to the girl, "No tongue rings in school! Don't try to hide it. I will take a metal detector to your face!" She shouted.

I remember having a teacher similar to her.

"This is it. My chance for romance." Bree said, spotting two guys walking towards us, "on TV, the new girl always drops her books and the cute guy with the soulful eyes picks them up."

I was about to stop her when she'd already dropped her books and a teacher slipped on them. She stepped back cringing at what she caused and bumped into me. Now I was the one that dropped the book I carried.

I kneeled down picking up my book but someone's hand beat me to it.

Wait a damn minute—

I looked up and saw Chase. We both stood up and he handed me the book.

Well... he is cute... and has soulful eyes.

"The Odyssey.' That's a great book." Chase commented. I smiled getting excited over someone finally knowing about the book. We engaged in a small conversation about the novel.

"... cool table adjacent."

We stopped our conversation realizing we were ignoring Leo. We smile before putting our focus on the smaller boy in front of us. However, my attention was taken away when I saw Adam sitting with the cheerleaders.

From experience, that must be the jocks table. Usually meaning football players, equaling to ignorant airheads. In other words this ain't good.

"Uh, Don't mean to alarm anyone but uh, Adam's sitting at the cool table."

Leo's eyes widened and frantically looked at Adam.

"What?!" Leo turned back to Bree, Chase and I, "he can't sit there! That's where the football players sit with the cheerleaders. And they pride themselves on finding very clever places to stuff your pudding cup."


Those pudding cups did nothing wrong.

Even with Leo's warning Chase paid no attention to the smaller boy.

Chase smiled widely at the female attention Adam was receiving, "Those girls are actually talking to him. And they can't talk about shapes and colors forever. See ya." He dashed off taking a seat next to one of the cheerleaders.

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