38: First Birthday Together

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            After coming back from that other universe I've never appreciate my life more than now. Even when doing the house chores dad instructed me, and while I had more work because Tony wasn't present right now, I'm okay with it.

So, Tony was off to somewhere again, most likely with the girl from his work. Tony finally asked her out— correction, she asked him out. They've happily been on multiple dates since then. Today was probably one of them.

Doing chores may not seem ideal but I'm enjoying it. I get to listen to music and do my own thing and not get yelled at. Dad and Douglas were out, leaving Marcus and I alone. Speaking of Marcus, I haven't seen him in a while. I placed the broom to the side and went to check in the lab for him. I skipped down the stairs peering into some of the open doors on the way to the lab. Nothing so far.

I walked in further and saw no trace of him. I walked back to the living room and checked his room. I knocked on the painted door— which we had done on a sleepless night— and waited for an answer. I was about to knock again when I heard a muffled 'come in.'

I opened the door and saw Marcus laser focused on an assignment.

"Sorry to interrupted. I was just checking in on you."

"No, it's fine. I need a break anyways." Marcus groaned leaning back on the chair. He covered his eyes with his hands and sighed. I looked over his assignment only to come across a permission slip. I skimmed over the top part and stopped when I came across something interesting.

'I Douglas Davis allow my child join the drama club.'

I snorted at the name. I'd forgotten they go by that to keep their identity a secret. I also found the reason of the permission slip extremely amusing. I looked over to Marcus and he'd sat back up giving me a questioning look. I turned the paper around and his eyes widened snatching the paper out of my grasp.

"You're joining the drama club?!" I didn't bother holding back my laugh. There's nothing wrong with that club. I knew some cool people from that activity, but Marcus, out of all people involved in that club?

"I am." Marcus said, smiling back at me. "Dad wants me more 'involved' with school and I wouldn't mind it. I think I would be a great addition."

"Yeah. I bet." I hummed. He playfully rolled his eyes and tossed the paper back into the pile on his desk.

"You know, I don't get why someone from the school band is laughing—"

"Hey, hey, I'm not in the school band. I just help. Get your facts right." I corrected. Again nothing wrong with them. I love the school band they actually know how to play their instruments well.

"Okay, but aren't you in the art club?" Marcus teased.

"The art club is so much better than drama club." I leaned against his desk crossing my arms. He raised a brow challenging my statement. I smirked nodding at myself before saying, "Well, actually, you do fit in that club. I've never met someone that freaks out over a dust bunny like you did. That's high quality drama material if you ask me."

Marcus scoffed, he got up from his seat and mimicked my mannerism, "In my defense I thought it was a spider."

"Uh-huh." I nodded with an smirk plastered on my face. Marcus licked his lips narrowing his eyes. "And to think I was trying to protect you from it. Next time I'll let you handle the spider alone."

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