16: Finally Friends

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When dad said I'd be missing a few days of school to help Douglas, I thought he meant like a day or two, maybe three tops. Not almost two freakin' weeks!

Don't get me wrong it's nice to miss school, but I could only imagine the pile of work I'm missing. Other than that, I don't mind it at all. Principal Perry doesn't even care. Dad just has to show his face and Perry goes weak in the knees.

Dad told me today is the last day of my little vacation. So I'm gonna make the most of it. I got ready for the day and strolled downstairs. Dad was already in the kitchen making real breakfast and not the usual cereal. It was going to be just us today, Tony was going to take a trip back home to hang out with his old buddies. It's a one day trip and he usually goes once a week.

Currently, I was texting with Marcus. He ranted about his dad. Apparently, Douglas was upset that he didn't finish with his task yesterday. Which was technically my fault. I did distract him and we never finished updating those computers. Yeah, Douglas installed even more of them throughout the week. For dad and Douglas it's a piece of cake to do, but the 'geniuses' thought to let us do it. Not saying Marcus can't do it, he's incredibly smart, it's me, I'm the dumb.

"Let's go squirt."

Dad left the house and turned the motorcycle on. He wanted to get to their house as soon as possible.

I rushed out the door and hopped on the motorcycle. Dad drove off and not long after we had arrived. It was literally a five minute drive.

I got off first then dad. He lead the way and knocked on the door. Marcus opened it this time and welcomed us inside.

"Hey kid." Dad greeted, ruffling his hair. Marcus raised an eyebrow— I swear every time he does that it makes me feel some type of way that I know I shouldn't be feeling.

"My dad is in the lab."

Dad nodded, ruffling his hair again and practically jogged to the basement. Marcus ran a hand through his hair, fixing it.

"You ready to work today?" Marcus asked, closing the door.

"Absolutely not."

"After you."

I groaned and dragged my feet to the lab. Marcus grin and I shoved his shoulder. He's having too much fun to work. While walking to lab's door I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and saw Bree texted me.

'Are you doing anything? I was thinking you, Caitlin, and me could have a girls day.'

Damn, she had to pick today out of all days. I feel bad to reject her I always blow off her offers when it comes to having a girls day.

'Sorry, I can't.'
'I'm helping my dad with a project.'

That's okay. Next time.' Bree replied and I could feel the disappointment through the phone.

'Have fun and good luck with Caitlin.'

I texted back and looked over the messages again. I don't get why Bree puts up with her. She's toxic towards her and Bree looks passed her behavior just cause she wants a friend. Honestly, Caitlin's so annoying and gets on my damn nerves. I put my phone away and sighed.

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