33: Close Call

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But, of course, I couldn't just walk away. Perry just had to stop Leo and I.

"Hold it right there!"

"Keep walkin'!" Bree added. It's trippy knowing it's Bree but hearing Perry's voice. I don't think I can get over that.

"Freeze, you two!"
"Beat it!"
"Park it!"
"Are you not listening? I thought I told you to..."

Principal Perry had caught on and ran to the stairs. Leo and I rushed to the side and saw Bree pop up from behind.

"... have a nice day?" Bree sheepishly said.

"So... you're the little comedian, huh? I don't know how you're so good at imitating the chorus of angels that is my voice," Her voice can be described as many things. Angels is not one of them. "But go ahead— show me how you do it."

"Uh— well..." Bree stuttered. It would be believable if she said she's an amazing voice impressionist, right?

"I'm waiting."

"Well, I'm not—" Bree started to explain but was cut off by herself, as she intimidated the school's bell. Leo and I grew tense and stared in shock. It's one thing to do an exact copy of someone's voice, not sure how to explain the bell or the other noises that came out of her mouth. The more she tried to explain the further she ventured from her true voice.

"I don't know what that was. But I know something in there was offensive. I'm calling your dad. And you're staying after school. Don't move." Principal Perry informed and hurried to her office.

"Imma see if I can stall Perry. Figure a way out of this." I told Leo. He nodded and we both stepped away from the column we used to hid behind. I walked towards the principal's office while Leo went with his sister.

'Won't be home till later. Have an after school thing.'

I quickly sent dad a message. I don't need to worry about dad right now. And I know he'll make a scene for not informing him about my 'after school' activity.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Hopefully she hasn't made the call yet.

I opened the door not waiting for an answer.

"Hey, principals Perry—" I was cut off by the angry women in front of me.

"Why are you still here? Were you apart of this sick joke?!" Principal Perry accused.

"No!" I cleared my throat, "No, I was here to retake an exam after school."

"What does that have to do with me?" Perry narrowed her eyes. Her hand over the school phone.

"Absolutely nothing. But I just—."

"Get out." Perry barked. I put my head down, saying a quick "Okay."

I speed out of the office making sure to bump into a cabinet she had near the door. Might as well distract her on my way out of the room. I muttered an apology as I left the office. I instantly spotted Leo by himself.

"Did you guys come up with something?"

Leo nodded, "With Bree's new talent she went home and is going to take the call as it were Davenport."

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