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        Church bells rang. Dad stood in front of the alter with the priest. My brothers to his side and I walked down the aisle with my step-mom, Amara Whitlock. Mom would be so proud of how far dad has come. She would be proud of us all.

As the music came to a stop so did we. Mom stood in front of dad and I behind her. Bree, Tasha, and Skylar stood by my side as her bridesmaids.

In the crowd it was a mix of dad's family and mom's. Grandpa sat in the front with Kaz and Oliver by his side. On the row behind him was the Davenport's. All of them, even Marcus.

The ceremony lasted about two hours when he finally said the words we all waited for: "You may now kiss the bride."

We all cheered as dad dipped mom and kissed her. Tony, Erin, and I grimaced but smiled at the happy occasion.

I stepped down with the rest of the bridesmaids watching mom and dad exit the church.

"Never though they would end up together." A deep voice said behind me. I turned to face Marcus adjusting his tie.

"Neither did I." I admitted.

"It's nice. The whole getting married and being official for the rest of their lives." Marcus said, playing with my hand.

I curiously looked at him. "Don't get any ideas."

"I'm just saying." Marcus shrugged.

I smiled widely shaking my head. Marcus brushed back some of my baby hairs leaning in kissing me. He smiled into the kiss before separating. He took my hand in his following everyone else outside to the limousine.

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