34: Not So Happy Visit

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              I never though I would feel the need to get new clothes for visiting family. Yet here I am putting the new clothes Tony handed me. He keep nagging about how 'important' it is to show mom we're doing okay. I don't see the point of it. Mom doesn't give a flying monkey's nut if I'm wearing the same shirt that I've had for five years.

"Hey, mom." Tony beamed going in for a hug. Mom awkwardly patted his arms and walked away. He put his arms down fighting to keep a smile on his face. I patted his back and walked in the house.

"Erin, Michael! Your brother and sister are here!" Mom shouted. Few seconds later we heard footsteps coming towards the living room. And there they were. My two other older brothers. Yeah, I'm the last and only girl in my family. It sucks but does have its perks sometimes.

Tony's the oldest at the age of 20, then came Michael who's 18, then Erin he's 16, and then me, the youngest at 15.

"Hiya lil' sis." Erin greeted ruffling my hair. I smacked his hand away taking a step back. He chuckled and tucked his hands into his pockets. Although, there was a mutual understanding between us four, it didn't mean we exactly liked each other. Do we care for each other? Sure. Do we tolerate each other? Sometimes. Would we willingly hang out with one another? Hell no. Do I wish it was different between us? Hell yes.

"I have some errands to do. I'll be back before your father come home."

I shuddered at the word father. That self-absorb son of a bitch ain't my father. My father is the man that has multiple sleepovers with another man, that both fangirling over their creations. Sure, he's hard headed and isn't the best parent right now, but he's better than the man she decided to marry.

"Okay. Drive safely." Tony called out. Mom briefly paused in front of him. She gave him a weak smile and rubbed his upper arm. Gosh, it's so depressing to watch.

"If you care so much about her, why the hell did you leave with Axel?"

Tony got close to Michael, challenging him. I pulled Tony away from him. They glared at each other while Erin and I tried to keep them separate. Michael pushed Erin off of him and scoffed. He stomped out the room muttering incoherent insults. Tony shook his head and exited the room, heading the opposite way. Erin and I just looked at each other not sure on what to do.

While our relationship isn't the best, it is better than Michael and I's. I mean I was the closest to Erin before the divorce happened. It pains to see how we've drifted. Then again, he's the one that distant himself from me. I was willing to tolerate Michael's judgmental looks to still hang out with him. But he chose Michael over me. Sure, we once were close, some would say we were like twins with how inseparable but... he went with Michael. That's something I probably will never understand.

"How's life?"

I shrugged, "Aright, I guess."

"Cool, cool, cool." Erin muttered. He nodded crossing his arms while looking around the room.

This is gonna be a long day.


Just like any other visit we're at home doing nothing. Tony and I were absentmindedly watching tv while Michael and Erin played some card game. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to fight off the sleepiness. I force my eyes open moving them around trying to keep them from closing. I moved them along the room taking in the small details of the house. Although I've visited mom's place multiple times before, I never failed to spot something new every time. This time I spotted an old picture. It was encased in an antique picture frame. Mom always did favor the look of antique furniture.

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