25: First Day Of Parenting

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"Lauren. Wake up." I heard a muffled voice call out to me. I groaned and covered myself with the soft blanket. I felt a harsh nudge and I sighed. I shifted onto my side getting comfortable. I hugged the bear in my arms tighter.    

"You better be ready before I come back."

The door closed with a hard slam. I stayed in bed for a couple more seconds before lazily sitting up. I rub my face then stretched while getting out of the heavenly mattress. I proceeded to make my way to the bathroom that connects to the room. I splashed some cold water on my face trying to get rid of my sleepiness.

It's been two days since the self-driving car incident and I was feeling much better. Do I still get a bit anxious when getting into a car? Absolutely, but it's not constantly on my mind anymore. Chase comforted me as much as he could through the phone. He also tried to clear up how the car stopped. It was an effort, not a good excuse, but there was some thought behind his wording. I made it easier for him and followed along his reason. Marcus also seemed to get more overprotective of me which I appreciate.

Marcus blamed himself a lot for the incident. He wouldn't leave my side and kept apologizing, very out of character of him might I add. Even Douglas— though it was weird.

When the incident happened it was a Friday— not a good way to end the week. I stayed home all weekend thinking back at the incident. Sadly for me it's Monday now and I have to put up with school again.

I sighed and ran a hand through my combed hair. I was taken by surprise when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw Marcus.

"Good, you got ready. I thought I would've had to wake you up again." Marcus smirked. I rolled my eyes remembering last time that happened. Let's just say he's not the most patient when waking someone up.

"Trust me I learned to never oversleep in your presence." I chuckled. I got up from the small chair in his room and put my bag on. I looked back at Marcus and his demeanor changed.

"You gonna be okay without me?" Marcus asked. His eyes softened making him look like the innocent boy he first appeared to be.

"I've been going to public school longer than you have. I'm sure I can handle it." I joked. I appreciate his concern, just seems a little too early in the morning to be all sentimental for my taste.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I'll be fine, Marcus. Don't get all mushy on me." He rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall by the door, "You know I sometimes wonder what happened to the intimidating, tough, 'bad boy' Marcus."

Marcus quirked a brow. I shrugged and opened the door. Marcus held his hand up making the door shut. I looked over to him and saw a him trying to prevent a smirk appear on his face.

"You aren't going to say bye?"

I glared at him. He stared back at me with amusement swirling in his dark brown eyes.

"Lauren! Let's go!"

Dad's shouting can be heard through the closed door. I looked away first and tried to twist the knob but it wouldn't budge.

"I'll see you later, Marcus." I sighed. I looked at him waiting to open the door.

"Hmm? I don't know. It doesn't sound genuine." Marcus shrugged. I flipped him off and he chuckled. He opened the door and gestured for me to walk out.

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