32: Vocal Manipulation

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             A bright light shined over my closed eyes causing me to waking up. I sighed and stretched feeling extra groggy today. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. Although I didn't want to do anything, I know I have to at least look somewhat stable. If I didn't dad would be hovering over me, constantly asking if I'm doing okay.

After getting ready for the day I walked downstairs. Tony, dad, Douglas, and Marcus where downstairs doing there own thing.

"Finally. Sleeping beauty has woken up." Douglas remarked throwing his hands up. I glared at him and sat next to Tony on the couch.

Douglas groaned, "Maybe you should go back and get a couple more hours in."

I paid no mind to him and instead to my head that throbbed. Must've been all the cryin' I did.

"Okay, kids, I'm going to get some things and Lexi here...has a date." Douglas chuckled and dad elbowed him. Douglas held his side and looked down at his watch, "We'll be back around 7."

Dad and Douglas walked out the house not giving us a second glance. I sighed leaning my head against the couch.

"Imma be in my room." Tony muttered not looking up from his phone. Hmm? Wonder what he's looking at to be that focused on the device.

Now it was just Marcus and I alone in the room. God, I hope it's not one of those awkward situations of not knowing what to say after unleashing all your problems. I sure as hell know I'm one of those types. Never was good at comforting people.

"Marcus—" I didn't get the chance to say anything else as he took off to another room.

Things were going so great. And I ruined it. It just seems that I can't keep one healthy friendship. Or relationship in this case.

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It's been days (more like three weeks) since Marcus last spoke to me. I would try to start a conversation but he would only answer with a one word response. By the fourth day I had given up overall.

The only good thing out of all of this is, the small relief. I didn't feel this constant burden in my chest whenever I looked at a certain people that reminded me of the things that caused me stress.

But then again, I'm not exactly in talking terms with Marcus or Chase. Now with him, it's a different story. I tried to avoid Chase as much as possible. I was afraid he'd think differently of me. Though, he had a good reason too. I would still speak with him, unlike someone I know, but if I had the chance not too, I wouldn't.

But unfortunately, I've ran out of excuses. Bree invited me over for a girl's day and I couldn't say no anymore.

And I wish I'd agree sooner. Chase appeared to be fine. It's like the whole thing didn't happen, Leo was treating me nicer, Bree told me about her most recent moment with Owen, and Adam was being Adam. He always seems to cheer me up so nothing new there. Though, he wasn't like his usual self. He was more... cautious.

Bree and I took a break from swapping stories and popped in a movie.

"Oh I love this movie." Leo said jumping into the couch, in between us. "Okay, I don't want to spoilt it, but he falls off a cliff, those two get married, and the bear is her father in disguise."

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