29: What's Wrong With Bree?

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            There's so many other ways to spend my day but Ms. Whitlock jus had to sign me up for the school's art show.

"Listen, if you won't show off your musical skills by signing up for the school band, then at least show off your artist skills." Ms. Whitlock was helping me set up my section in the cafeteria. She placed one of my painting on a stand and put a sticky note on it with the price.

It was kind of last minute when she asked me adding more stress for me. Literally she just told me. I received a call from her to hurry to school and next thing I knew, I was drawing and painting  over ten canvases. I was luckily brought my book bag which held my sketchbook. I used my previous drawings to come up with the paintings.

"And I'm fine with that, but seriously...the art show." I complained. I put up another of my painting on the setup. I stared at the painting and tilted my head, was this really worthy to be sold?

"It's a great opportunity for you."

"I guess." I sighed. "I should be thanking you for this. I'm getting money out of this."

Ms. Whitlock laughed and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "You give me twenty bucks from your sales and we'll call it even."

It was my turn to laugh, "You got yourself a deal."

"It's my time to go. Sorry I couldn't be here all night." Ms. Whitlock apologized.

"It's okay. Thanks again, Ms. Whitlock."

"When we're outside school you can call me Amara." She winked at me. I chuckled and nodded accepting the hug she initiated.

"We're technically still in school."

Ms. Whitlock playfully rolled her eyes and stepped back. She wrapped her brown knitted cardigan around herself and smiled. "I'll see you two tomorrow. Good luck and get home safe."

Two? Oh yeah, Marcus is here. Maybe tonight won't be so bad. I spent some time with my favorite teacher, I get money, and get to be with Marcus without any bickering from our dad's.
It just might be the only good thing out of this.

And I say only because Bree is going to be here. Not saying she's the problem but her new boyfriend is. I don't have an exact issue with Owen it's just... he's just a bit... odd. I'm passionate for the art I create. Owen is in a whole 'nother level of passionate.

Besides putting up with his monologues about the great beyond or whatever, I don't have to face dad's furry. One of the big contribution as to why I'm going along with the art show. Ms. Whitlock gave me the option to back out but I refused. Why? Well because I told him about the date he had to go on with Perry, which turned messy quick.

"Why would you tell her that?!" Dad shouted. Tony was laughing while munching on some cookies he found. He comfortably sat on the couch moving his head back and forth between dad and I.

"Because they needed to go on a mission." I reasoned. I've said this like a million times this evening and he still doesn't see it as an acceptable reason. Which I understood. Nothing can be justified if it ended with having to go on a date with Perry. But this— this has to be an exception.

"So what?!"

"So what?" I mocked, "What if she found out? What if because you didn't want to go on a date with her, she finds out about the missions, then because of that she can easily find out about their bionics. Leading to finding out about Mr. Davenport, then Douglas, then Marcus— an android which can be seen as worse in Perry's eyes, then finds out about you. Then we all go to jail."

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