12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience

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           Chase and I rushed into the cafeteria and spotted Leo.

"Where have you two been?" Leo asked, walking up to us. "I tried stalling, but I ran out of injuries to fake."

Chase and I gave each other a knowing look.

"The compound in the sneakers is highly susceptible to electron beams. So we ran home and got these electron-beam generators from the lab." Chase explained, demonstrating the two glowing beams.

"And those will mess up the shoes?" Leo questioned.

"Yes." I confirmed Leo's suspicions.

"Say hello to 'attract' and 'repel.' I'll make Trent dance like a puppet. If I were less mature I'd evil laugh." Chase said, laughing evilly at the end. I'll give it to him, it sure does sound creepy.

"First, you aren't as mature as you think. Secondly, I thought you guys were going to make him as bad of a player like Leo not completely humiliate him."

"Hey!" Leo exclaimed.


"Why wouldn't we want to embarrass Trent. He's always picking on us." Chase reasoned. I do agree with him but humiliated someone doesn't make you any better than them.

"Making things even with Trent shouldn't be by embarrassing him. Listen, I just don't think you should take it out on Trent by doing this to him." I tried to explain. Chase and Leo looked at each other and shrugged.

"Trent is too stupid to care." Leo sassed.
I gazed at them in disbelief. High school boys. They sure are something else.

Chase and Leo went back to admiring the beams. Coming up with different schemes based on their mischievous smirks.

All three of us turned our attention on Janelle who blew the whistle. She held a basketball on one hand and the whistle on the other. She stood in the middle of the court with Trent on her right side, both waiting on Leo.

"Go impress your girl." I said, pushing Leo to the center of the court. He looked back at us, worried plastered on his face. Chase gave him a reassuring smile and walked to the entrance of the gym pulling me along with him.

"Okay, first player to score 11 points wins the second game." Janelle apprised everyone on the rules. She blew the whistle and gave the ball to Trent. "Go!"

The crowd cheers. Trent faked a move and went to throw the ball but instead jumped all the way to the rim, slam dunking the ball.

"Oh! Did you see my hang time on that one?! I'm even greater than I thought!" Trent boasted. I noticed Janelle roll her eyes and set them on Leo.

Chase was leaning against the entrance of the gym and I stood on the wall, covering him. He synched the electron-beams to the shoes, making a beeping noise. Chase lifted the beams causing Trent to jump without command. He made Trent start to do Irish stepping. I will admit, it was enjoyable to see Trent be the laughingstock of the school for once. Not only was Leo and Chase able to get back at him, but the other kids he bullied could fulfill their desires to feel more powerful for a change.

Leo took advantage of Trent and robbed the ball. He threw it and missed. Trent overcame the control of the shoes and swiftly took the ball back.

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