42: Smoothing Things Over

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Morning. Usually a time to start over. A clean slate for the day. Yeah, not in my case, dad's still pissed, Marcus is disappointed/angry, and Douglas is plotting again. Apparently he has to make readjustment to his original plan. Tony and I were the only ones that weren't hung up about yesterday. Sure, letting Leo go will most likely bite me in the ass later, but I don't regret it. It beats feeling guilty the entire day.

I tried my best to avoid those three and strictly hung around Tony. We were in our makeshift room in Douglas's house. I did have my own guest bedroom but chose to be with Tony just incase. As a matter of fact, I never really use my guest bedroom. I'm always in the lab or in Marcus's room.

"When are you going to find a job?"

I looked up from my phone and looked at Tony, who was rearranging his closet.

"What's with the piles?" I asked.

"Don't change the subject." Tony said. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, ruffling it a bit.

"I don't know. I might go job hunting today." I answered. I don't mind having a job, it's the fact dad's making me get a job that bothers me. Before moving here my old friends and I would do stuff for money, whether it was mowing the lawn or helping with other yard work. We were too young to get an actual job but were satisfied with the small tasks.

"I could put in a word with my manager for you." Tony suggested. He placed the last hangers back into his closet and was left with a small pile of clothing on his bed.

"Okay. Wait, are you guys even hiring?"

"Yeah. Lester quit a few days ago." Tony informed, folding the clothes and putting them into a neater pile. "And since you're underaged—"

"I'm sixteen." I interrupted. Tony side eyed me and continued.

"You're fifteen and still underage—"

"I'm about to be sixteen." I muttered, looking over the neat pile of dark clothing.

"It doesn't matter." Tony sighed. He waved his hands and leaned back on his bed, "Legally they cannot work you overtime. So, you'll work less hours on school days and more on weekends."

I nodded taking in the information he'd told me. It doesn't seem so bad. I get most of my homework done at school anyways. Weekends I don't usually have anything to do besides working in the house, or if I'm invited over to the Davenport's. Yeah, I think I got this.

"Alright, guess we'll be working together." Tony smiled. "You'll be able to hang out with me more."

"Yippee." I said and Tony smacked me with the shirt he was folding.

"Drop the sarcasm. I don't want to hear that at work."

"You're the one that offered." I swiftly got up and ran to the door seeing as Tony has another shirt in his hands. He went to hit me and missed. I chuckled and got his middle finger in return. I waved at him before closing his door. I'd made up my mind— after hours of convincing myself— that I can't avoid them forever. I had no problem with Douglas, I could just shrugged him off. I'm gonna have a difficult time with dad and Marcus.

I skipped down the stairs peering into the room. I didn't catch sight of any of them and walked down the remaining stairs. I wonder if Erin is always on edge like this. Speaking of Erin, we texted each other not too long ago. He was updating Tony and I on mom's condition. And according to him, it appears that Victor was leaving her alone for now. Hopefully he stays away long enough for her to mentally recover from what ever he's been doing to her. He also mentioned that Michael was busy helping Victor with something. He would catch them speaking and go quiet when him or mom walked in on them.

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