20: Mission Success

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"Come on. We got to be quick." I whispered. I grabbed the material from the both bags and handed some to Marcus. I lead him to the other entrance to the lab making sure to avoid Leo and Mr. Davenport. It was longer but we wouldn't be seen.

Deep down I know this is wrong. I'll possibly destroy my friendship, but if I don't, I'll lose Marcus as a friend and most importantly get my ass beaten by dad for not helping Dougie. I'm not sure why dad is helping Dougie and not warning Mr. Davenport. When I found out Douglas and Mr. D are brothers I asumes dad would also know Mr. Davenport. I asked to make sure and he said yes, but to not depend on him. I'm certain dad and Mr. D have an unpleasant past.

On the way to the lab I placed a camera near the entrance. Might as well show how to get inside and it gives a clear view of the living room.

We reached the lab and installed a camera on the top right corner of the room. All the cameras were microscopic making the job a lot easier for us. Placing a camera in this room is easy. It had many factors that would distract someone from the camera. Even for enhanced humans such as the bionic trio. Yet, Marcus wanted to place this camera on the ceiling. I'm glad he had his molecularkinesis or else we would've struggled a lot more. I paced back and forward glancing at the entrances of the lab every once in a while.

"Relax. They won't know you helped." Marcus comforted me. He was typing something on the tablet to connect to the camera. Marcus and I needed to connect to the cameras before leaving the house. It was taking longer than we anticipated adding to my discomfort. Leo and Mr. Davenport must have noticed we weren't in the living room anymore and probably are looking for us.

"They won't but I will."

I wonder where Eddie is. He's the home security yet has not tried to stop us. Or appeared to make an unwanted witty comment. Hm. Now thinking about it, Eddie hasn't appeared at all, at least not in the times Marcus was in the house.

"Everything's set up." Marcus announced, showing me the tablet. We saw ourselves on the screen and smiled at each other. I have very mixed emotions about this. I love the feeling of doing this type of stuff; the sneaking around and completing something without getting caught. I missed this from the old days— and let me make it clear, I never broke into a house. I did stupid shit with my friends that gave us adrenaline rushes but never broke into any homes. But on the other side of this, I felt discomfort, I was being dishonest with the very first people that basically welcomed me to mission creek. I could always blame this on my dad and say he forced me to do this.

"Okay let's go before Mr. Davenport finds out we're here." I said, after my argument with myself. He nodded but didn't walk with me. Instead he looked at the three capsules in the back of the lab.

"These are their capsules. I wonder if it feels any different?" Marcus stride over to the last capsule and stepped in.

"It's a container made out of glass. I'm sure it doesn't!" He closed the door and touched the glass. My eyes widened and I rushed over to him.

"Marcus get out of there!" I squeal. I tried to maintain my voice low incase someone decides to walks down. I went to open the glass door but frozen when I heard footsteps. Mr. Davenport walked in the room and went straight to the computer. He typed something on it not noticing us.

"Do you think of I stay incredibly still I will become invisible to him?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off of Mr. Davenport.

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