17: Marcus Goes To School

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It's my first day back after my extended, very extended, weekend. Chase asked me where I was. I told him my dad's friend needed help with moving in and that I had to help. He understood and told me what happened on those days I was absent.

I did my usual routine for the day. When finishing I walked downstairs and sat on the couch texting Marcus.

'Yeah. Dad wants me to take my guitar to impress and hopefully make friends.'
'It's going to be so annoying for you to carry around.'

I kinda understood why his dad was doing this. He wanted his kid to have a good first day. Wait— what does he mean for me?

'Why would I be carrying your guitar?'

'Did you really forget about our little bet.'

I tried recalled yesterday's events. I groaned, getting flashbacks to the games we played. I did forget about that.

'You're supposed to carry the guitar to make friends. I'll carry around your books and maybe your bag.'


I shut my phone off and stood up from the couch. I followed dad out the door and got on Tony's motorcycle. Dad had to go to work early for the next week, to make up the days he was out.

Tony and I put on our helmets and he drove off.


There were only a couple of periods left before the school day's over. I didn't have many classes with Marcus, instead he had majority of them with Leo. That didn't save me from carrying his stuff all day. Every time he saw me he had me walk him to class and he also had me carry his guitar the entire time. He didn't even let me put it in my locker, I had so many teachers question me. I got in trouble in one of my classes because of it. Ms. Whitlock, thankfully, didn't say anything. She actually let me place it in her cupboard she had in class.

After exciting my classroom, I was making my way to my locker when Marcus ran up to me.

"Give me the guitar!" Marcus ordered. I took the strap off and handed it to him. He ran to the circular bench in the middle of the hallway— which is new, school must've inputted it while I was gone— and sat down. I curiously stood beside him. He glanced up towards one of the hallways, I followed his sight and saw Adam and Chase. Adam waved at me and I returned the gesture. Marcus looked at me bewildered. Why? I do not know.

"Woah! sick guitar, dude." Adam exclaimed eyeing the guitar.


"Can we hear you play it?" Adam eagerly asked. Marcus nodded, smiling widely.

"Wait, we need an amp." Chase pointed out. I looked over at Adam and he nodded. He walked over to his locker and got out a small amp. Why does he have an amp in his locker? Well, we often go to the music room and help around the room for credit and to skip out on some classes, but that's besides the point. Mr. Parker appreciated the help and told us we could take anything from the room. I took a guitar strap—my old one was being held up by tape— and Adam took an amp saying he liked how it was shaped.

We took Adam's amp and plugged it up to Marcus guitar. He tuned it and went all rocker, a complete one-eighty to what I was used to. I will say, he's so damn attractive while playing the guitar.

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