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I'm sitting on a couch in the common room with my feet in Daphne's lap while Pansy sits in front of us on the rug, using the coffee table to write her Muggle Studies essay. She's not getting much writing done.

"So you and Theo are dating?" Pansy asks, tilting her head to look at me.

"Yes," I reply, setting down my textbook. I won't be getting any work done now.

Pansy sets down her quill. "How?"

"Probably the same way that you and Draco started dating," I answer.

"So you guys shagged in the third floor corridor while you were supposed to be patrolling?" Pansy asks.

I blush slightly. "Um, no, that is definitely not how it happened," I say. "We spent a lot of time together over the summer and then he asked me out just last night."

"So that's what I interrupted when you two were talking in the corridor," Pansy says smugly.

"Yes, just talking."

Daphne looks up from her book and smiles. "Well I'm glad you two are together. It was only a matter of time."

"It was?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's so obvious he likes you. The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you," Daphne answers.

"I-," I stutter. "Well, I should hope so, considering that he is my boyfriend."

Pansy smirks, "Have you shagged yet?"

"No, not yet," I reply. And we never will. We made rules and I'm not going to be the one to break them.

"I bet he knows what he's doing," Daphne mutters, not even looking up from her book.

Pansy laughs, "I bet he's kinky. Alex, you have to tell us if he's kinky."

"If who's kinky?"

I sit up abruptly and almost accidentally kick Pansy just to see Theo, Draco, and Blaise standing to the side. I hadn't even noticed them come into the common room. They had all gone to the quidditch pitch to practice for fun since there's no matches this year.

Theo raises an eyebrow at me before he sits down beside me on the couch, resting his arm on the back of the couch behind me. I move closer to him so that I'm leaning slightly against him,

"What're you guys talking about?" He asks.

"You and Alex," Daphne says. Blaise goes over to her and bends down to give her a kiss before sitting down on the rug in front of her.

"What about us?" Theo continues. He brings his hand up and starts running his fingers through my hair almost absentmindedly.

Daphne shrugs, "I was just saying how it was only a matter of time before you two got together. The tension, you know?"

"The tension?" Draco asks.

"Shh, be quiet," Pansy says, "It's not like you would know anything about that."

Draco looks offended until Pansy kisses him on the cheek, and he mutters something to her his face softening slightly.

"Oh, is that right?" Theo asks Daphne, his eyes drifting down to me.

"Tais-toi," I mumble.

Everyone breaks off into their own conversations and I turn my attention back to my textbook, attempting to get some of the reading I intended to do done. This doesn't happen because Theo leans in closer to me, his lips brushing against my hair.

"I think that means we're doing a good job so far," Theo whispers. I can smell his cologne and very faintly the smell of fresh cut grass since he was outside earlier.

"I guess so," I whisper back. "And our friends were supposed to be the hard part."

Theo smirks, "Not too bad, huh?"

"No, you're horrible," I tease.

Theo laughs and pulls me closer to him so that I'm almost sitting in his lap. My legs are draped over his and we're sitting so close that there's barely any space between us.

I glance past him to see that the common room is starting to fill up with people since it's getting close to people. Quite a few people are staring at Theo and I. Just like this morning at breakfast in the Great Hall.

"People are staring," I whisper, my hair falling into my face as I lean closer to him.

Theo smirks, "Should we give them something to stare at?" He looks me in the eyes, his smirk falling. "It's up to you."

I quickly glance at the people in the common room. There's quite a few people from our year and the year below us.

"Yeah, why not?" I say.

Theo brings his hand up to cup my jaw, his rings cold against my face. Both of us lean in and my hand drifts up to the back of Theo's neck, drawing him in closer. His lips ghost against mine before he properly kisses me. This kiss is different from the other one. That one was quick, just a goodbye kiss. This time, there's no rush and Theo takes his time.

Our mouths move together before Theo introduces the first bit of tongue. I let him deepen the kiss and his hands go down to my hips, and he pulls me to sit in his lap.

I go willingly, leaning into his touch.

I'm starting to lose track of time. My hands are now running through his hair, properly messing it up, while Theo has one hand on my hip and the other on the small of my back, pressing my body against his.

My thoughts are a bit scattered and I forget where I am until someone's voice brings me back to reality.

"Oi, this is a public space, Merlin," Draco says.

Theo and I break apart, still staying close. He looks properly snogged. His lips are red and swollen and his hair is messed up.

I don't even think to look around the common room, but I can feel eyes on me. Eyes on us.

"Now you know how we feel when you and Pansy start going at it," Theo says, looking around me at Draco.

Pansy just smirks and shakes her head, looking over at me.

"Get a room" Draco says like the complete hypocrite he is.

"Really?" Theo asks. "Our dorm? Right now?"

Draco rolls his eyes.

"What'd you say, Alex?" Theo teases. "I've got a bunch of books on my bed right now, but if I remember correctly, Draco's bed is-"

"You know what? Nevermind. I'll go get a room," Draco says, getting up from beside Pansy.

Pansy gathers her things up. "Yeah, me too actually," She says, following after Draco.

I watch as Draco stomps up the stairs to his dormitory, Pansy following behind him trying not to laugh.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys," Blaise says. "Just don't shag on my bed please."

Theo laughs, "We won't. I have more decency than you, mate."

"Hey, it was only one time," Daphne interjects.

"One time too many," Theo replies.

I stay sitting in Theo's lap as the four of us continue talking until it starts getting late and the common room starts clearing out. Pansy doesn't come back down, so I just assume that she's spending the night in Draco's dorm.

I go up to bed once I start getting tired, but not until after Theo kisses me on the cheek and says goodnight.

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