twenty three

13K 313 210

Notes: Alex's outfit -

Alex's necklace -

Theo's ring -

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February 14th, 1998

When I wake up on Valentine's Day, there's a big bouquet of flowers on my dresser than seemingly appeared overnight. There's a few different flower types, most notably red roses and white gardenia.

Pansy smiles, "I might've let Theo in while you were still sleeping. He was practically begging for me to let him in so that you would wake up to flowers." Pansy moved back into our dorm after her and Draco broke up because she couldn't stand being in such close quarters with him anymore.

"That's so sweet," Daphne says, examining the flowers. "Hmm, red roses symbolize love and passion, but gardenia symbolizes secret love." She looks confused. "Not very secret in this case."

I blush and try not to smile as I continue getting ready. "Daphne, stop psychoanalyzing the flowers. I highly doubt Theo knows any flowers and their meanings."

"I think he's smarter than he lets on," Daphne argues.

I get dressed in a light pink jumper, that hugs my body and makes me look amazing, and jeans. I guess I'm somewhat in the mood for Valentine's Day. By the time that I'm completely ready, Daphne and Pansy aren't.

"I'll meet you guys at breakfast," I tell them as I head for the door. I grab my present for Theo off of my nightstand.

"Going to see Theo?" Daphne asks.

I nod.

Pansy laughs, "Merlin, you guys are so in love that I can't believe it took until this year for you both to come to your senses."

I laugh, "Yeah, I guess we were pretty thick." I leave the dormitory before anyone can say anything else.

In love.

I'm certain that I'm in love with Theo by now.  I think I've been in love with him this whole time actually. Except it's all fake. Every time he shows me love it's all orchestrated.

I push all of those thoughts away and decide that I'll let myself get caught up by Theo today, even if it's not real and will end up hurting me even more. Just for today.

When I reach the boys' dormitory, I knock on the door and wait. Theo opens the door, shirtless, and as soon as he's within reach I press up on my tiptoes and kiss him. He's quick to kiss me back, his hands gravitating towards my lower back.

Draco groans from somewhere in the room and Theo and I break apart much sooner than I would've preferred.

"I take it you liked the flowers then," Theo teases. He leads me further into the dorm and closes the door.

"Yes, I loved them," I mumble against his lips.

Theo presses a quick kiss against my lips before pulling back and grinning. He walks over to his wardrobe to grab a shirt and I follow him with my eyes. I sit back on the edge of his bed while he finishes getting dressed.

"Morning, Alex," Blaise says.

I pull my eyes away from Theo and stare at Blaise for a second before responding. "Oh, good morning," I say.

Blaise laughs and shakes his head. "I'm going to see Daphne, I'll catch up with you lot later."

"And I'm going to be anywhere but here right now," Draco said.

"Bye," I say. The both of them leave the dormitory, leaving Theo and I alone. He puts on a long sleeved shirt before turning back towards me.

Theo grabs something out of his dresser drawer and keeps it behind his back as he comes to stand in front of me. "Two questions," He says. "One, did you absolutely want to have dinner in the Great Hall tonight or do you want to do something else?"

"Depends on what you have planned," I say, looking up at him.

"Okay, no dinner in the Great Hall it is," Theo says. "Two, do you want your gift now or later?"

I grin, "Now, if it's what I saw you put behind your back."

Theo hands me a small jewelry box and nods for me to open it. I slowly open the box to see a dainty silver necklace. There's three small diamonds and a teardrop cut diamond pendant.

"Theo," I say, "It's beautiful."

He smiles, "Here, let me help you put it on."

I stand up and turn around. I pull my hair to the side as Theo lays the necklace against the base of my throat. "I was hoping you'd like it," Theo says, "It was my mums." He clasps the necklace and drops his hands.

I turn around and look up at him. "Your mums? I can't take it-"

Theo cuts me off by kissing me. It shuts me up pretty quickly. "Take it," Theo says when he pulls away. "Please, I doubt she'll mind. She would've loved you."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Alex, I want you to have it," Theo confirms.

I nod and smile, "Okay. I really do love it." I reach behind me to grab Theo's gift from where I had set it down on his bed. "Now you have to open my gift."

Theo happily accepts the box I'm holding out towards him. It's a jewelry box, similar to the shape and size of the box Theo handed me.

He opens it and grins at me. "Are you proposing to me, Rosier?"

"You wish," I say.

Theo takes the ring out of the box and puts it on his middle finger, right next to his Nott family ring. It's a silver snake ring that wraps around his finger. Theo had liked it and pointed it out to me a few weeks ago when we were in Hogsmeade, so I went back and got it for him.

"When did you go back and get this?" Theo asks, smiling.

"I have my ways," I say.

Theo smiles, "You're amazing. I love it, thank you."

"You're welcome," I reply. I cup Theo's face and give him a quick kiss. "Now, should we go to breakfast?"

- - - - -

Theo and I ended up meeting up with the rest of our friends for breakfast. We ate then walked to Hogsmeade, where we spent most of the day holed up in a booth at the Three Broomsticks. Now, it's dinner time and we're back at Hogwarts.

Instead of heading towards the Great Hall, Theo leds us up to the fifth floor. We go down another corridor until we're standing in front of the entrance to the Head Boy and Girl Dorm. He says the password that Draco and Pansy told us, and leds me inside to their common room.

There's music playing softly in the background, candles lighting up the room, and a blanket on the floor that is scattered with plates full of a variety of food.

Theo turns around to face me. "I know that this is so cheesy, but I wanted to do something nice for you and you're always talking about those muggle rom-coms you love so much-"

"Theo," I interrupt him. "I don't think it's cheesy-, well maybe a little bit." We both laugh. "But I love it."

We sit down on the blanket and eat good food and drink expensive champagne. It's actually incredibly cheesy but I love every second of it.

If Theo does this much for me, his fake girlfriend, then I can only imagine how much he'll do for his real girlfriend that he'll inevitably have.

But I ignore all of that for the night and let myself think that Theo did all of this because he loves me.

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