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One Year Later

September 1999

I've been living in Paris for a year now. It's so different than my life before that it took quite a bit of time to adjust.

My dad's townhouse, which is now my townhouse, was pretty much an empty canvas. I got to make every single design and decor choice and I'm really happy with how everything turned out. It feels like home now.

Of course, I do miss London.

I miss my mum and my brother, I miss my friends. I sometimes miss the normality of everything.

But I really needed the change.

I love my job. After I finished training I chose to go into pediatrics and work with kids every day. I'm the top Healer in my department and my supervisor says that I'm due for a promotion soon.

I work with some amazing people and I've made some good friends already.

"Alexandria, es-tu prêt à partir?" Madeleine, my best friend, calls.

"Oui, j'ai juste besoin de ma veste," I reply. I grab my coat from the chair in my bedroom where I threw it when I got home last night.

Madeleine is already waiting for me in the foyer. She came over early so we could get reading together and drink before we went out. Currently, she's fixing her curls in the mirror when I walk in.

"You look hot, let's go," I say.

"Such a flirt," Madeleine jokes. She grabs her wand off of the table and follows me out.

Madeleine is hot. She has dark curly hair, brown skin, hazel eyes that look like honey in the sun, and the prettiest French accent that I've ever heard. We met at work because one of her patients was transferred to my ward since he was only five.

We walk outside and I lock the front door behind us. The club we're going to is less than a 10 minute walk from my house so it's not too bad.

"J'ai un ami que je veux que tu rencontres ce soir," Madeleine says as we near the club. "His name is Tate."

"Pas un autre," I complain.

"He's nicer than the last one, I promise," Madeleine says. "He's hotter too."

I laugh, "Sounds like a bad idea, then."

Madeleine bumps our shoulders together as we walk. "Don't be so negative, he could be the one," She says.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that," I say.

We get to the club and a couple of our friends are already there, waiting outside for us. Amélie waves us over. She kisses both of us on the cheek.

"Vous avez réussi!" She exclaims.

Amélie has long, dark brown hair that reaches her hips, and dark brown eyes. She somehow manages to look good in just about anything and is also one of the sweetest people that I've ever met.

Lucas kisses me on the cheek. "You look good," He says.

"Thanks, so do you," I reply.

Lucas is tall, with brown hair and green eyes. He works at the French Ministry in the Wizengamot. He's a nice, attractive guy.

Amélie grabs my hand. "Stop flirting, you two," She says. Amélie leads me inside the club with Madeleine and Lucas.

Madeleine and Amélie go to find the rest of our friends while Lucas and I go to the bar to get drinks for everyone.

The music is loud and the club is already almost full despite it not being that late yet. People are dancing and drinking and just having a good time.

"Comment est le travail?" Lucas asks.

I lean against the bar beside him. "C'est bien. Je suis en congé tout le week-end," I tell him.

"We should go get dinner then," Lucas suggests. He looks at me and waits for my response.

"Maybe," I shrug. "It depends on where you're taking me."

Lucas laughs, "Only the best for you, Alexandria."

We get drinks for ourselves and for Amélie and Madeleine, both of whom are currently talking to some of our other friends. Lucas and I pass them their drinks and then I'm pulled into a conversation with Amélie, and two of our other friends, Oliver and Julien.

At some point during the conversation, when my drink is getting low, Madeleine comes and taps on my shoulder.

"Alex," She says loudly so that I can hear her over the music. "I have someone that I want you to meet." Madeleine pulls me forward and gestures to the guy next to her. "This is Thomas, we went to school together."

I have to do a double-take because of how much he looks like Theo. When my brain confirms that it is in fact not Theo, my heart falters a bit.

"Hi, I'm Thomas," He says.

I smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Alexandria."

"Can I buy you another drink, Alexandria?" Thomas asks, gesturing to my empty cup.

"If you want," I say.

He really does look like Theo.

I follow Thomas over to the bar and I let him buy me another drink.

"So how come I haven't met you before now?" I ask Thomas.

"I was in Amsterdam for work, have you ever been?" He says.

I can't help the memories that bubble up to the surface when he mentions Amsterdam. All I think about is Theo.

I nod, "Yeah, it's beautiful. What do you do for work?"

"I'm a curse breaker, what about you?" Thomas asks.

"I'm a Healer," I respond. "I work in the pediatric ward."

Thomas smiles, "So that's how you know Madeleine?"

"It is," I respond with a smile.

Thomas takes a sip of his drink and looks at me. "Do you want to dance?" He asks.

"Sure," I answer.

Thomas takes my hand and we go join the crowd of dancers. I let Thomas lead the way, I let him dance with me, and when he makes a move to kiss me, I let him.

Maybe it's because I've had a few drinks, maybe it's because he looks like Theo in the dim lighting of the club.

Hours pass and people start leaving to go home for the night.

When Thomas asks if I want to go home with him, I say yes, and I let him take me back to his flat. I let him kiss me and touch every inch of my body but the whole time I was thinking of someone else.

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