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December 13th, 1997

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get us another round," Theo says. He gets up from our table in the Three Broomsticks and leans over to give me a quick kiss. "You want to help carry them?" Theo asks Draco and Blaise

I smile as Theo walks away, taking Blaise and Draco with him.

Pansy slides into his seat. "So you guys are like properly in love now?" She asks.

"I-, we've been dating for three months," I stutter. Fake dating.

"But has he told you he loves you?" Pansy questions.

Daphne sighs, "Pans, it's no one's business but Alex and Theo."

"I know, but I'm nosy."

I silently thank Daphne and settle back into my chair. It's the last Hogsmeade trip before the Christmas holidays, so the six of us are currently seated around a table in the Three Broomsticks drinking butterbeer.

The boys return shortly after, all of them carrying butterbeers. Pansy slides back into her own seat, and Theo rights down right beside me, setting our butterbeers on the table.

"Here you go, love," Theo says.

I look past Theo's shoulder and glance over at Pansy and she raises her eyebrows at me. I quickly look away and back at Theo. "Thanks," I reply.

I take a sip of my butterbeer and let the heat from the mug warm my hands that are still cold from the walk to Hogsmeade. It's been snowing since last night, and it's finally cold enough for it to stick to the ground. So the walk here was cold to say the least.

We all finish off our butterbeers and talk about Christmas before the six of us are getting up to leave. Everyone has to finish shopping for Christmas presents and the girls and I need dresses for the Nott Christmas Ball, so Theo, Blaise, and Draco go together, and I go with Daphne and Pansy.

Pansy still has to buy Draco a gift so we go to Spintwitches Sporting Needs first. I trail behind Pansy and Daphne, looking at all of the various equipment used for quidditch. Pansy goes back and forth on something for about 15 minutes before she decides to buy it and the three of us leave the shop.

Next, we go to the dress shop.

I'm in a fitting room trying on a third dress when Daphne calls out. "Can I get your opinions?" She asks.

I pull back the curtain and step out to see Daphne. She's wearing a deep purple ball gown with lots of lace and detailing. It fits her perfectly and the color looks amazing on her.

"You have to get that dress, Daph," I tell her.

Pansy peaks her head out from behind a curtain. Her jaw drops. "You look hot," Pansy says. "That dress is perfect for you."

Daphne smiles, "Well I guess that settles it then."

I look at my dress in the big mirror and decide that I don't actually like it that much before going to try on another one.

Pansy tries on an emerald green gown and immediately decides that she's going to buy it.

I try on one last dress and thankfully fall in love with it. Daphne and Pansy gush over how amazing I look, which only fuels my ego.

All three of us buy our dresses and then exit the store.

"Oh, there's the boys," Daphne says, pointing at them.

They're walking quite a ways in front of us, with their backs to us, so they can't see us.

"We should follow them," Pansy suggests.

"No, we shouldn't," I say. "We split up because they still had to buy Christmas presents."

Daphne grabs my arm gently. "But look where they're going now!" She exclaims.

I follow Theo with my eyes. Thanks to his height it's quite easy to follow him. Theo, Blaise, and Draco walk into a jewelry shop off of the main street.

"They're probably just buying presents," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Alex," Pansy says. "It's not just a jewelry store, it's a ring store."

My jaw goes slack and I turn around to look at both Daphne and Pansy. "We absolutely should not follow them anymore. I'm not going to let your nosiness ruin something."

Daphne and Pansy exchange a look and then keep walking towards the ring store.

"I need to know who's buying that ring," Pansy says, sounding slightly desperate. She looks at Daphne and smirks. "My money's on Blaise."

Daphne blushes, "Well we won't know unless we just go take a quick look."

I give up and sigh, following after them. I pull my coat tighter around my body to attempt to stay warmer. We walk towards the ring shop and then Pansy is pulling me down into the hedges in front of the windows. I almost slip on ice, but manage to steady myself before I start sliding

"Oi-," I complain.

"Shh, be quiet," Daphne says, peering just over the window ledge and into the store.

I crouch low to the ground to avoid the snow that is covering the toe of my boots.

"I can't see anything," Pansy says. "They're all crowded together. I can only see a case full of rings and the shopkeeper."

I roll my eyes. "You guys are ridiculous," I whisper. "We shouldn't be spying on them. What if Blaise or Draco were going to try to surprise you-"

"Alex? What are you doing in the hedges?"

I turn around to briefly see my brother, Matthew, before Pansy is pulling him to duck down in the hedges with us. He makes a startled noise and almost slips on ice, but steadies himself out. He looks over at me then into the window.

"Oh," Matt whispers while readjusting his Hufflepuff beanie. "Now I get it." He squints while peering into the store. "But who's buying a ring then?"

Daphne sighs, "That's what we're trying to figure out."

Despite the fact that I think this is ridiculous and we shouldn't be spying on them, I can't help but peer in through the window as well. I still can't see much because of the angle, but when Draco steps back slightly, I see Theo holding a ring.

"Holy-," Matt trails off.

Theo hands the ring over to Blaise, and he looks at it as well.

I make eye contact with Daphne.

"This is entirely unhelpful," Pansy mutters.

Blaise hands the ring to Draco. He peers at the rings then nods and says something inaudible before handing the ring back to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper puts the ring into a ring box and then starts speaking.

"Now, I'm just confused," Daphne says.

At that moment, Draco looks over in our direction and all four of us duck down quickly. I'm trying not to laugh as my heart is pounding out of my chest. Daphne walks low to the ground until she's out of sight from the window then takes off in a quick walk. I follow her, and Pansy and Matthew follow.

We all start laughing once we're a good distance away. Matthew drapes his arm around my shoulders and grins. "So a ring, huh?"

I smack him in the arm. "Oh, shut up," I tease.

Matthew just laughs.

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