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September 27th, 1997

There's a slight chill in the air now that autumn is in full swing. The sun is covered by clouds, and the sky is gray despite it being the first day without rain in almost a week.

The sleeve of my jacket shields one of my hands from the cold, and my other hand is intertwined with Theo's as we walk to Hogsmeade. We've been fake dating for long enough that the news has gotten back to both of our parents.

Theo's dad was very pleased that he'd found a "respectable Pureblood girl". He was also happy about the fact that I'm a Rosier, he said that he was friends with my dad. That's complete bullshit of course, because according to my dad's journals, Tiberius Nott was an "annoying, stuck up prick".

My mother was just happy that I started dating someone. She was extremely happy that it was Theo because she absolutely adores him.

"Mister Nott, Miss Rosier," Professor McGonagall acknowledges us as we walk by.

"Hi, professor," I reply. Theo smiles and waves with his free hand.

McGonagall gives the both of us a small smile. "Have a good time," She says.

We smile back and continue the trek to Hogsmeade. Daphne and Blaise are walking a bit behind us, completely enamored with each other. Draco and Pansy are stuck at Hogwarts with Head boy and girl duties which consist of checking the third year's permission slips, but they said they'd catch up later.

"Where do you want to go first?" Theo asks as we reach the edge of the village.

"Three Broomsticks?" I suggest.

Theo grins, "Whatever you want. I'm just here to be the pretty boyfriend who pays."

"Bold of you to assume you're pretty," I tease.

Theo laughs, dropping my hand to wrap around my shoulders and pull me closer to his body. "I am pretty, don't lie," Theo says.

I shake my head and try not to laugh. "Okay, pretty boy," I reply.

"There we go," Theo grins. "Thank you very much."

Theo holds open the door for me and we enter the Three Broomsticks. There's a lot of people milling about already, but I spot an open booth and drag Theo along with me to it. Once we secure a table, Theo goes to get us butterbeers.

I shrug my jacket off and start looking around the pub when I spot my brother.

"Matt," I call.

He spots me in the booth and smiles before making his way over to me. Matthew sits down beside me in the booth.

"Ooh, are you here on a date?" Is the first thing Matt says, a teasing tone to his voice.

I bump his arm with mine, and he bumps me back just as hard.

"Yes, I'm with Theo," I answer. "He's getting us drinks."

"What a gentleman," Matt says.

I shake my head and roll my eyes at my half-brother. "Are you here with friends?" I ask.

"Yup, just right over there," He answers, pointing towards a table across the pub. There's two of his roommates that I recognize, and then one boy wearing a Ravenclaw hat that I don't recognize.

"And who's that boy?" I ask, nodding towards the Ravenclaw boy.

Matt blushes slightly. "A friend," He replies. I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs. "A friend, a good friend, Alex."

"He's cute," I say.

"I know," Matt practically swoons as he glances over at his Ravenclaw 'friend'. "His name is Sawyer, he's in my year, and we have three classes together."

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