Chapter 8: The Beautiful Shadow

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 Walking to the kitchen no one had suspected anything. They were all laughing, and joking joyously without a care in the world. Then as Sophie went to the fridge a hand from the shadows grabbed her and covered her mouth, pulling her into a hidden closet, before she could even breath. The smell of gross feet drifted into her nostrils. "Mr. Forkle?" she thought. Then a wheezy female voice breathed " You and I need to talk Ms.Foster." Sophie nodded shakely . "No one can know I'm here. You get all of them to leave or I kill one of them. Probably that blonde one you like so much." The voice commanded. Sophie choked back a small sob. She would not let this random person kill Keefe! "And dont even think about using your inflicting! I have somthing that will kill him faster than you can blink." The voice hissed, as if reading her mind. Sophie nodded. The person let go of her, and Sophie stepped out of the small room, and said, as calmly as possible, " You guys should go set up up stairs. Ill be up in a minute. Sandor can you carry the heavy stuff?" Sandor looked at her a bit startled. "Are you sure Ms. Foster?" He asked. "Now Sandor!" Sophie commanded. Sandor looked a bit hurt, but left anyway. "Hey Foster, you ok?" Keefe asked, worried.  Sophie turned, so he couldent see her tears. "Just go. Please" Sophie said. She heard his footsteps coming twoards her. Sophie sidestepped his hug. If he touched her he would feel her fear. "Keefe! Just go ok!" Sophie yelled. Keefe looked hurt but left anyway.  "Good." the voice cooed from the shadows as the footsteps faded. "Get on with it!" Sophie whisper hissed. She had just hurt her boyfriends feelings and didnt want to deal with this. Then a lumpy figure stepped out of the shadows. The pile of flesh reached out a stub (that was probably an arm) and put a small vile to its lips. Then the figure began to shrink and when it was finished it was a very beautiful young girl. She was quite short, had short blonde hair, and fair skin with a slight greenish tint to it. She smiled brightly at Sophie, as if she had not just threatened to kill someone. "Who are you with?" Sophie demanded. "The Black Swan." she said cheerfully. "Why are you kidnapping me then?" Sophie wondered. "Im not kidnapping you. Im just not supposed to meet you." The girl said knowingly. "Why not?" Sophie asked, geuinley confused. "Well how about I introduce myself first." The girl said. "I'm Alex," said Alex. "Huh. A human name." Sophie thought. "I'm your sister." Alex continued. "My what?"

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