Chapter 11-

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Sophie woke to a small knock on her door.  She looked at her clock and noticed it was about ten in the morning. She had slept in. She got up to open the door. She reminded herself that Sandor was still there and she was fine, but after a few days of silence from both the Black Swan, and the Neverseen she was getting worried.  Before opening the door she grabbed the dagger off of her beside table and hid it behind her. Then she slowly opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relife when she saw that it was Quink. "Woah there princess." Quink laughed, taking the dagger from Sophies hand, and placing it pack on Sophies bedside table "No need for hostilities."Ok, so dont get me wrong, im happy to see you," Sophie started, "But what are you doing here?" "Oh," Quink said, perking up "I came to tell you im almost done with training. Ill start guarding you withing three or four days." She finished, waiting for Sophies reaction. Sophie smiled "The more protection the better." she said. Quink laughed. Just then they heard a knock on the door down stairs Sophie did a quick once over in her mirror. "Yikes." She muttered, grabbing a brush and raking it through her hair, till it was smoothe. Then she threw on a tunic and leggings and ran downstairs. Standing in the doorway was a smiling Alex, and an uncomfortable looking Keefe. "Hey Soph, i think your boyfriends still scared of me." Alex laughed. Keefe rolled his eyes and walked over to sophie. He held out a boquet of flowers. "I heard this is something humans do for each other?" He said akwardly. Sophie took the flowers and gave Keefe a hug. They had called each other everyday since the Alex Plant Attack (as Keefe had called it), but hadnt seen each other face to face. " I love them." Sophie said. She stepped back and examined him. "I'm not hurt. I just wanted to see your face." He said, as if reading her mind, and cupping her cheek in his hand and looking into Sophie's eyes in a way that made replying impossibe.  Alex cleared her throat loudly, looking incredibly ammused. Shophie blushed and Keefe smirked. "Jealous?" he asked, drapping his arm around Sophies shoulder. "Please." Alex laughed rolling her dazzling blue eyes.  " I for one can do better than YOU. No offense Soph." Alex added quickly. Sophie wasnt offended at all. For one she was quite relived. She was quite sure, had Alex wanted to, she could win Keefe over in a heartbeat. Shphie reached up and grabbed Keefes hand that was slung over her shoulder. "Hows it going with Livvy?" she asked. "Great! She and I are going DRESS SHOPING todayyy!" Alex said musically.  "Fun." Sophie laughed. "Also," started Alex "Is anyone going to mention that mountian of a girl over there?" she said, pointing to Quink. "Oh, this is Quink, my new bodygaurd. And friend." Sophie said. Alex walked over and shook Quinks hand. "Hi Quink, Sophie's new bodygaurd. Im Alex, Sophie new sister." Quink blushed madly and mubled something that sounded like "hey".  Alex looking slightly confused, but her imparter rang, before she could point out what she felt Quink feeling. "Im ready to go. Can you meet me there?" Livvy's voice said. "Yeah. Ill see ya." Alex relpied, hanging up. "I have to go. It was great to meet you Quink." She said leaping away. "OoOoO. Somebodys got a CrUsH." Keefe teased at Quink. "No I dont." Quink said quickly, blushing slightly. "Girl i could feel your emotions from over here." He smirked. Quink turned redder still, and said "I have to go." And leaped away, leaving Sophie and Keefe alone. "Your terrible you know that." Sophie teased, poking Keefes nose. "Thats why you love me." He said, booping there noses together. They heard a gushey "AWWWWWWW" from Ro in the hallway, and then an "OW! What was that for Gigantor?" Sophie and Keefe shared a look, and laughed, walking towards the stairs. 

(Hey guys. Ive been superbusy, but I hope you enjoy. Love you all so much! Have a great week)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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