Chapter 5

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Episode 6

I hate when Meredith and I fight, even if it was just a small spat like last night. We both can hold a grudge, especially when it comes to each other. I mean sleeping with your boss is just not something an intern should be doing. And said man is someone that I have known for a number of years. But for me to say that is selfish. It's not like it's illegal and I'm not Ellis so if Meredith is happy, then I will be happy-ish. I hear liquid fall in the hallway and when I walk out, I see poor George standing in front of Meredith's door. I feel bad for him, he can't just admit to Meredith that he is full blown in love with her. As I walk past him to get to midy's room, I give a look that I hope he will understand as come on man, it's getting sad.

As I walk into Meredith's room, I see her staring at the ceiling, most likely contemplating getting out of bed. I jump and lay myself next to her on the bed.

"What's up buttercup?"

"Do you think I could just finish my intern year in this bed right here?"
    "Seeing as 1, it is not a sterile environment, and 2, you are the only person in here so you would have to perform surgery on yourself, I'm gonna say no."

"You know I do not like your logical thinking."

"Ehh, who does? Anyway, I will be home late tonight, I'm getting drinks with Miranda at Joes after her shift." I get up from the bed and start to walk to the door.

"You're getting drinks with my resident after she just saw me with an attending."

"She was my friend before she was your resident so yes, and we are gonna talk all about it." I say to her as I walk out of the room.



I will not lie, today has not been the best. I hadn't seen any of my usuals yet and I didn't have time to go to the coffee shop. Even though George had made Meredith a coffee, he did not think about the other woman with the last name Grey in the house. All I can think about is the kiss with Dylan last night, which has made multiple customers angry because I was not listening to them. All I wanted was to either see Dylan or have a drink with Miranda , but it was only 10 o'clock in the morning. Plus Meredith finally told me that mom had everything signed over to her when she was lucid enough.

I have been texting Dylan since last night and he said that he would stop by later in the day, unless something pressing happens and he gets called on. So now I'm counting down the very boring hours. Don't get me wrong owning and running Flora's is wonderful, and I love what I do but wow it is boring sometimes.

Finally around midday I had an appointment with a couple to see if they wanted me for their wedding, which went well and brought my mood up the slightest bit. Finally around 3 Dylan walked in. He looked tired, like the type of exhaustion I felt when I had lost a patient.

"Hey, Dylan."

"Greta." He says, in a relieved and soft voice. Skipping pleasantries comes right to me and hugs me like I was a breath of fresh air. Maybe I was because by his expression, it seems like he had an awful day so far. I've known him for almost 2 months and have seen him almost every day, and I have never seen him like this.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong." I ask him as I cup my hands around his face to ground him.

He starts rubbing my arms apprehensively, like he didn't want to scare or worry me.

"I won't go into specifics but it just has been a really bad day, and I'm very happy to see you."

"Aw well, I'm happy to see you too, and I'm sorry you have had a bad day."

Broken Strings: Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now