Chapter 11

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"Come on chickadees, we have not been running for that long." I call out running ahead of Meredith and Cristina.

"Oh, you are stupid. Oh, God." Cristina says lagging behind with Meredith Jogging next to her, so she isn't alone. "You two are stupid evil sadists, and I wanna kill you!"

"This is good for you so hush up." I find her complaining amusing.

Meredith took a different approach, "Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." They say as they finally meet me in the clearing that I had run into.

"Oh, God. Do you feel better?" Cristina questions as she stops gasping for breath and Meredith and I circle around her.

"I'm stupid" Meredith says as it seems she is contemplating life at the moment.

"Slutty mistress."

"Pregnant whore."

"Sleeping with our bosses was a great Idea."

I laugh at that statement, "Definitely wasn't your guy's brightest moments." This brought their attention to me.

"Oh well Greta you are practically a little miss perfect relationship why do you need cheering up with endorphin runs."
This made my smile drop a little. Dylan had fully gone back to work; he was risking his life every day and there was always the chance he doesn't come back to me.

"Well, you know dating someone in the bomb squad isn't the most calming relationship."

"Ahh that is a good point, just remember at least you're not pregnant or a mistress," Cristina says as she collapses to the ground.

"Ferry boats are now ruined for me, I used to love them, but Derek has a thing for them and now whenever I see one, I think of him."
"Coronary artery bypass grafts are ruined for me now. Oh, and Aortic Aneurysms. God, I loved Aortic Aneurysms."

Meredith soon collapses to the ground with Cristina, I keep circling. Finally, though I had had enough of their complaining. I stand at their feet making them both lean on their elbows to look at me as I speak. Like a mother talking to her children.

"My children I'm going to reiterate my point from a couple days ago, Fuck them. You two are brilliant women that don't need this good for nothing toxic masculinity radiating men to dampen the glow of your excellence. Ok, so again, fuck them. God I'm going to sound so annoying but honestly maybe just try crying."
"Have you cried yet?" Meredith asks Cristina, as I lay down next to her.

"Uh, hello. Do you really think it would help?" Both of them look at me.

"I don't know personally I hate crying, but sometimes it does help." I'm honestly doubting myself, but it's helped in the past so why not give them some hopefully sage advice.

"Are we supposed-"

"To cry now?" Meredith starts and Cristina finishes her sentence.

"God no, now we jog." None of us went to get up though.


"How is the macho man?" Bailey asks me. We are walking together to go and collect her interns.

"He is doing much better, he is back at work" I say, and personally I did not hear anything in my tone, but I guess Bailey did.

"What's wrong with you?"


"I said," What's wrong with you? " You sound distraught."

I stop at the nurse's station by the intern locker room.

"I guess I didn't realize how dangerous Dylan's job was until now. I mean he is literally with bombs every day. He could be gone in a second any day now. He could die and I wouldn't be able to say goodbye. I just wish that I was still semi in the dark about his job, instead of being fully aware I could lose him at any moment."

Broken Strings: Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now