Chapter 12

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Season 2 episode 4

Greta has always been an early morning person. It is one thing she has always valued about herself, so much so that she never sets an alarm because she knows she will wake up in time. Today though, she must not have gotten the memo.

It was almost 8 o'clock, two hours after she was supposed to be awake. The man lying beside her might have had some contribution to making her late, seeing as he kept her up until 4 in the morning. Oblivious to the outside world and the unnecessary drama that seems to follow her around the workplace. Dylan stirs next to her, pulling Greta closer, creating a warmth that only deepens their sleep. All of this disappears in a matter of seconds when a pounding comes from Dylans, now their door, making both of them jolt awake and Dylan to reach for his gun in the bedside table.

"Down bomb boy, I think we are fine. An Intruder wouldn't knock at 8 in the morning." Greta says as puts her hand over his which is holding his pistol. Finally the gravity of that sentence dawns her.

"Holy shit I am so late. Can you get the door I need to get ready? I should have been at the hospital hours ago."

"Good morning, and yes of course." Dylan replies, barely processing what she just said. He is quite the opposite and would rather sleep the day away.

As Dylan walks to the door the "Intruder" pounds their fist once again. Making the door shake in a quite concerning way.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming don't go and break my door." He opens the door right as a fist comes down to the door, making the fist to miss the door and hit Dylan in the chest.

"Ah, sorry about that macho man." Bailey says not looking sorry about it one bit. "Is Greta here? She wasn't at the hospital and she hates being late and will almost throw up. So you know I was a little scared that on my way here I would find her car flipped on the side of the road or I would get a call saying she fell in a manhole or something." Bailey says, resembling Greta when she gets nervous and rambles.

"Yes Greta is here, she slept in and I assume she is now scrounging around the apartment to find any clothes that she left here because she doesn't want to go back to the Frat house. Also i would like to just ask why your mind went to the manhole of all things?"

Finally the topic of conversation has left the bedroom in a rush looking like she just ran through a tornado. Hair a mess, most of her clothes were a skew and her shirt was both inside out and backwards, one shoe in her hand the other has yet to be found.

"One second Bailey I just need to find my other shoes. God damn it, where is it?!"

Bailey looks down and sees it by the coat rack next to the front door.

"Hey sonic, right over." Greta looks over at the shoe with a received look heading to the kitchen to grab a coffee before she has to go. Dylan walks over looking like sunshine on a rainy day.

He turns her around so that she is facing him. Greta is now trapped between him and the countertop. He cups her face with his hands. His naked torso that Bailey did not notice until just that moment. Noticing an intimate moment is about to happen Bailey calls from the doorway.

"Yeah no I don't want to see that so early. Greta I will be in my car downstairs if you are not down in 5 minutes you are going to be even more late."

"Okay I'll be right down," Greta says, not taking her eyes off of his. He moves his hands down to her hips rubbing her arms on the way down.

"Darling, take a moment and breathe okay. I know yesterday was hard, and today could be similar. I won't sugar coat it. You got this alright and I love you." His words made her feel butterflies, like it was their first kiss all over again.

Broken Strings: Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now