Chapter 8 Halloween Part 1

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Niall's POV.

Today is Halloween! And it's going to be the best one yet!

Dakota told me to come to her house around 4:00 and it was 3:45 so I better get a move on!

I took my wallet, costume, and keys and made my way out the door to my rental car.

Pulling up to the driveway, I noticed the mailman making his way to their mailbox. I quickly got out, being the good lad I am, and took the mail from the carrier and walked up the steps. Wow I forgot how big this house is...

I rung the door bell and heard some shuffling behind the door.

Soon Dakota appeared and stood in the entryway looking beautiful as ever in some joggers and a white cut off top. Fuck, I could see her stomach... don't stare, Niall!

"Hey Ni, come in!" She said grabbing my arm and going into the living room. I smiled and let her drag me, but almost dropped the content in my hand. I almost forgot about the mail.

"Oh! I've got your mail." I said reaching out my hand and giving it to her. She scanned over it for a minute then her eyes went wide as she held one closely up to her face and the address on top.

She looked back up at me and smiled real big, took the letter and ripped it open.

"Holy poop!" She yelled, making me chuckle a bit. I lived how Dakota had such a nice way to her words. I looked over at the letter and it said Manchester University and then looked at the bottom which read ACCEPTED in bold.

My eyes grew wide and I quickly turned to her with open arms.

"You got in!" I gave her a hug, and spun her around. She looked at me sheepishly, "Well... I've got accepted into 6... this is my 7th." She stated. I wasn't exactly surprised, shed told me about how her school had sponsored her for different opportunities in her future.

"That's great, Dakota!" I HUGED her again, loving the feeling of her in my arms.

Niall stop.

"Yeah it was hard to decide, but now seeing I got accepted into my dream uni the decision isn't as hard anymore." She said smiling. I could tell she was excited.

"So your going to accept it?" I said. Yes I was excited, if she accepted it then that would mean she would be way closer to me!

...And the lads!

"Yeah, I mean it's my dream to play for Man U and I really think I'm going to accept it!" She said. I gave her another hug and she pulled away.

"We have to get ready!" She screamed running up the stairs. I chuckled as I ran after her.

Dakota's POV.

I've just finished taping my boobs down.

Woah, never thought I'd say that. I then slipped Niall's shirt on, which I don't really want to give back to him, it smells immaculate. I looked in the mirror and to be completely honest I really good.

I slipped on the Ray-Bans and walked out. Niall was standing there trying to adjust the wig on his head. He looked over to me and his eyes went wide

"Wait." I said pulling down my pants to show my sagging. He chuckled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Perfect." He said. I walked over to him and helped him with the wig. He actually looked Is that too weird to say? He adjusted his boobs and walked over to the mirror.

I placed my hair in a ponytail and put the SnapBack on, but put the end of my ponytail in the front so it looked like Niall's frosted tips brushed to the side of my forehead. I was glad Niall and I had the same hair color.

"We are totally going to have the best costumes there." He said. I nodded and took his hand making our way down stairs.

"We gotta get going the party starts in 10 minutes!" I said, going outside to his car. He opened the door for me and I smiled to myself.

"Thank you, Dakota." I spoke, a thick Irish Niall accent sounding in my tone.

"No problem, Niall." He replied back in a girly, Scottish accent. We both laughed and drove to the party.











Okieeee! Bye

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