Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

The boys and I just finished performing one of our new singles, Live While We're Young.
This being a live show, we had to talk to the judges in front of everyone on national television. I'm not nervous, I've done it before, but Simon might give us some suggestful comments. Which were always appreciated.
As Mario Lopez, the XFactor announcer, called us down from the risers, I looked backstage and saw Dakota already staring back with a wide smile.
I smiled back and looked down, I probably look so fucking sweaty.

"Yeah, the song just kind of represents how you should just live life now and take risks." Liam spoke, scratching the back of his neck.
Oh there asking questions? God, I was tuning out.

"Well that's a great song for our contestants to listen to right now, don't you think Britney?" Mario asked one of the four judges. She had loads of makeup on, and maybe if she took a notch down on the sparkles and sequences, you'd finally realize she was the singer of Hit Me Baby One More Time.
She nodded and looked to Simon, no comment coming from her at all.

"I can't believe you lads!" He started, I gulped, always expected the worst. "I'm so proud of you all and everything that's been accomplished in only two years. It's amazing." Simon stood up, and began clapping to us. I smiled big, just knowing Simon is proud of us, and our success is just something to make me happy.
I practically jumped as the XFactor theme song began to play, I still get nightmares from that tune.
Zayn noticed and chuckled at me, placing an arm around my shoulders as we all looked to Mario.
"Next up we have Carly Rose, right after the break!"
Then there was a long beep, probably signaling commercial break. Dakota rushed onto stage, dodging all the crew and running over to us. She gave the lads a hug, then finally it was my turn.

"Niall, you did great!" She said, I smiled and she came over to give me a hug. I'll admit, our hug lasted longer than the others she gave.
Or I'm just over myself.
Then someone in the crowd, over all the loud screams, spoke up, or should I say yelled,
I chuckled and Dakota released from the hug and took her microphone from her back pocket.

"How'd you guys like the performance?!" She asked with enthusiasm. The crowd went crazy, then Louis ran over to her and bent down.

"Dakota! Jump!" He yelled, then Liam came over and bent down in front of me.

"Come on Nialler!" Liam said, I looked to Dakota and saw she was on Louis' back giggling. I smiled, through the pain, and went on Liam.
I looked to my right to see a struggling Zayn trying to get on Harry's back.

"Race ya!" Dakota said to me and Liam, I saw Louis smirk. I nodded and Louis told the crowd to count down for us.

"3... 2... 1 GO!" They all screamed.
Liam started running and we were ahead by at least a foot. I was making faces at Dakota and didn't notice Liam tripping over a rock. We fell, but Louis was too close behind us, causing Dakota to fall on top of me, and Lou on the floor. Dakota opened her eyes and I smiled.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Niall!" She said, Getting up. I chuckled

"It's okay, that was so fun!" She smiled and offered her hand, I gladly took it and ran.

Dakota's POV

Right after I offered a hand for Niall, he intertwined our fingers and ran. I was laughing as he just kept pulling me along. We made our way to the break room and Niall then snatched two donuts and continued running. Finally, we stopped in front of their trailer for the day. By now, I was panting and so was Niall.
I looked at him for a moment, then broke down laughing. I was eventually on the ground and Niall was clutching his stomach holding the door handle, still laughing at nothing.
After the laughing died down, we went into the trailer and sat on the couch. I took a deep breath.

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