Chapter 24

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Dakota's POV.

I yawned walking to the fridge. But then I noticed a note on the black marble countertop next to me, addressed to my name. I opened it and saw it was from Niall.

Hey! Sorry I forgot to tell you earlier, but the lads and I had a recording to do today for a cause we're doing called Red Nose Day! I probably won't be back 'till later this evening, so hope you have a great day!


I sighed and looked in the fridge... hmmm. Nothing seemed to snatch my appetite.

Even though we went to the grocery store a couple days ago, I felt like eating fast food. Yes, if you were asking it is that time of the month. And I'm craving Mc Donald's...

I'm craving their hashbrowns for some reason. Maybe I should call the girls and see if they would like to join! I texted them and they replied in a matter of seconds, accepting the invitation. I didn't bother getting all dressed up, so I threw on some grey sweatpants, a green Jack Willis jumper, and matched them with some Uggs. I then let my blonde hair fall and put a simple green beanie on. I ran downstairs and wrote Niall a note back, saying I was also out and that I'd be back later.

Thinking back the note seemed kind of pointless because I'll probably be home before him but whatever.

Making my way into Mc Donald's, I noticed the girls sitting in the far corner. They waved and I signaled I was going to go order. I went up to the front counter

"Hi welcome to Mc Donald's, may I take your order?" A girl around my age asked, sitting behind the counter. Oh that reminds me! I need to get a job! Pfft no way I'm getting one here that's for sure.

But then again the soccer team is full time and we do travel a lot...

"Hi, yeah. Can I have the pancake breakfast with extra hash browns and a coffee." I said while readjusting my sunglasses, I decided on just taking them off so I could get the money out of my purse better. She smiled and typed in my order.

"Hey, aren't you the one dating Niall Horan?" She said, leaning over the counter to get a closer look at my face. I huffed, we aren't dating!

"Oh my god, we're not dating! I don't know why everyone thinks we are!" I replied.

She laughed, "woah calm down, I barley even know who the lad actually is. My sister just always talks about you and one direction and how gorgeous you are, I mean I can tell she wasn't lying, and that you and Niall Horan are like made for each other." I smiled back, "Well, even if something between us did happen, the fans still wouldn't be satisfied. It's just how they work... " I sighed, handing her the amount due. I mean, the fans always get in between everything. The boys nearly never have anymore personal time.

She frowned, then smiled and handed me my order "Alright well, my sister will totally freak out once she hears about how I ran into you today! Have a nice day!" She said moving on with the next customer. I went over to the girls table. May gave me a look "What took you so long?" She asked. I sighed, "People just don't understand that Niall and I will never be together! I mean why would he pick me out of every other girl out there?"

Rose tried hiding her smile by biting into her biscuit, well it didn't work. "Oh why are you smiling, this is the same situation with you and Harry. Except obviously he feels the same way about you. Why is life so hard?" I finished my sentence leaning over the table. "Oh yeah, how are you and Harry Styles holding up?" May asked, emphasizing his last name. She still didn't believe she could even talk to a meme bed of One Direction.

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