Chapter 7

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Dakota's POV.

I sat in my comfortable bed, thinking of the hardest decision that taunts me every year.

What am I going to be for Halloween?

I usually know what to be beforehand, but now having other things on my mind, here I am two days before Halloween... costume-less.

I decided to call Eleanor and see if she has any good ideas. Louis invited her to come out for the week and she'll be here tomorrow.

"Dakota?" He sweet sweet accent said through my iPhone.

"Hey, I just have a quick question El." I turned over on my side and snuggled closer into my covers.

"Shoot." She said, I heard someone in the back, but I took no notice to it.

Okay, I did take notice to it... he sounded male.

"Well I don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween. It's really bugging me." I replied, annoyance edging my tone deeply.

"Well what were you last year, Kota?"

"Robin." I said bluntly. Sure, it wasn't original, but the costume was what made it unique. I went over the top with the whole sidekick thing.

"Hey, that's what Danielle are being this year! Liam's going to be batman as like a partner costume." She said.

Figures Liam goes as batman.

"Eleanor you're a genius!" I yelled excitedly, through the receiver.

"I am!" She giggled, "Wait, what?"

"I'll tell you later! I got to go get it done!" I hung up quickly and dialed Niall.

"Kota! I was just about to call yo-" He said happily, but I cut him off before he could continue.

"Niall! I've got a question!" I yelled, overly excited. This will be great!

"Alright," I could tell he was smiling. "Calm down. What is it, love?"

"Okay, so I'm kinda late for a Halloween costu-"

"Ah poop, I forgot to get mines too. Would you want to run to the store later and help me pick one out?"

"No, Niall. Don't find a costume." I quickly shook my head, also glad he hasn't gotten something picked out yet. "I'm going to go as you, and you'll be going as me." I said, patting myself on the back for the great idea.

There was silence for a while, then I heard Niall chuckle.

"That's a great idea! But how am I going to fit in your clothes?"

Oh right.

He had a good point.

"We'll just go shopping and then I'll pick out something I would wear, but in your size!" I almost screamed, the idea still fresh in my mind and still making me excited.

"We better get a move on, Halloweens in two days." He reminded, I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, come pick me up, and we'll go to the mall."

"Okay, but don't tell anyone" he said, I squinted my eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"If our costumes are that good, people will just think it's us!" He laughed, I smiled and shook my head. Like that's going to happen.

After going to get Niall's clothes from the mall, we decided to go to his hotel so I could get my costume.

The clothes we got Niall were basically something I would wear. A grey top, some really skinny blue jeans, a faded blue zip-up jacket, some Toms, and a blonde wig, so he had my hair.

We entered elavator to his hotel, and there was an old woman eyeing both of us back and forth. I looked at Niall with a confused face, he looked back with the same expression.

"Uh, can we help ya?" Niall asked the woman. She looked at us again and just smiled.

"I'm just so glad love still exists in your generation." She said sweetly, her voice cracking in bits.

My eyes went wide.

"Uh, we're n-not-" Niall cut me off.

"Together." He finished, giving me a small smile.

I'll admit, that kind of stung, but I know it's the truth.

If only he knew.

"Oh, don't tell me that nonsense. I saw the way that young boy was looking at you down the hallway. I can see it in your eyes too, dear." She said, is this woman crazy?

I looked at her, then back at Niall. He looked embarrassed, why was he embarrassed?

"Oh well look, it's our floor, Niall! Better get going, it was nice talking to you!" I said grabbing Niall's hand and running out of the elavator and to the hotel room.

"Well that was weird." Niall said, shutting the door behind him. I nodded.

"Did she think that we were... you know..." I said leaving my sentence out, not exactly knowing if I should finish it or not.

"Like going out... " He said awkwardly, oh god I made him uncomfortable.

"Yeah, but it's all good. It's not like we are or anything." I said with a fake laugh. Why was my laugh fake, because I would like my statement to be a reality, that's why.

He chuckled, then looked down to his shoes.

"So, let's go look at what I got." He said grabbing my hand. Oh man, there's the butterflies. When will these go away?

We made our way to his room and I instantly went looking through his luggage.

"Oh god, I have a great idea!" He said taking out his boxers.

He wouldn't.

"You can put these on under some of my pants and then it'll look like you're sagging!" He said.

I stand corrected.

I looked at it for a while, then nodded my head. I mean, I'll be wearing my underwear underneath them anyways.

"Okay, I like this one." I said laying out my outfit.

I picked out a pair of Niall's tan skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I also grabbed his green Jack Willis sweatshirt and his green SnapBack to match.

"Wait... we have one little problem." He said, almost embarrassed sounding. I looked at him confused.

"Well you have boobs, guys don't." He said.

Crap I totally forgot.

"I can just tape them like they do in movies. I mean there not that big anyways." I said looking down at my chest. I saw Niall starring me, his eyes going wide down in the...chest area.

I laughed and smacked his arm, he went red in the face and then looked away.

"Ok let me try this on." I said going to the bathroom. He nodded and I went inside. I put on the clothes and actually, didn't look half bad. I'd totally date me. I walked out and Niall's eyes went wide.

"Woah. You look like... like-" I cut him off,

"Like you." I smirked. He laughed and went to his dresser then grabbed his sun glasses and came over to me. He slid the ray-bans on my face and smiled.

"Perfect." Niall said. I nodded and smiled.



Okay so yeah. I posted a chapter y'all! I hope people are actually reading this....okay well




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