Chapter 17

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Dakota's POV

It has been a couple of weeks, and Justin left to go on tour. At the moment, I'm sitting in LAX airport waiting for the five goofballs I call my best friends.

Stop it Dakota, your in love with one of the goofballs

I mentally slapped myself, now thinking of Niall.

I'm overjoyed to be living with him, but what if I accidentally slip, confessing my love? He'd make fun of me probably, we wouldn't be friends anymore.

Why can't he feel the same way? Stop putting yourself down Dakota, you don't know if he does or doesn't.

I just really hope he does.

Niall's POV

"Please fasten your seat belts, we are landing." The flight attendant said through the loud speaker.


Finally, I get to get the hell out of here and see Dakota! These last couple weeks have been terrible for me, and I mean terrible. Everything I saw reminded me of her. Even just the simplest things.

Yesterday afternoon, for example, I had a glass of water. Dakota likes to drink water. I ended up not drinking the water so I could save it for Dakota, but I realized she was a plane ride away and I didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the evening.

I'm freaking out just because Dakota drinks fucking water.

This isn't just a crush.

I was pushed away from my thoughts when Liam patted my shoulder.

"Come on mate, time to go." He said, getting both our bags and passing mine over. As soon as I got ahold of my bag, I ran. Ran the hell out of that plane. I heard the lads laugh. Of course they know where I was going. I'm glad they allowed it.

I made my way through the crowded Christmas themed airport. I really lost track of time! It's already December? I pushed through the crowds and ran down the terminal hall.

I've been looking for fifteen minutes, and I can't seem to find her. Maybe she's in the bathro-

There she is.

Still the beautiful Dakota I know, leaning on the pillar labeled A.

I didn't notice I was running towards her until I heard her voice call my name.

"Niall!" She screamed, meeting me halfway and crushing our bodies together into a bone crushing hug. I hope I'm not hurting her... I just missed her so much!

"Dakota, I missed you like crazy." I whispered into her hair.

I don't care if its awkward to say that, I just want to be with her, smell her scent, hug her fit torso. I just wanted to be where I was.

"Niall I probably missed you way more, trust me." She mumbled the last part as her head was buried into my neck. I did the same, but then I heard the sound of clicking from behind me.

Flashes blinded my vision, allowing me to release from Dakota.

It just had to be now. Way to ruin the best hug ever.

I knew this was all too good to be true. Great fucking timing paparazzi! Dakota quickly pulled away and ran to the other lads. I frowned to myself, watching her run towards Liam, then a camera was shoved in my face.

Woah, next time hit my eye?

My breath was heavy, my knees began to weaken. I looked at all the men surrounding me, smiled and cameras flashing in my eyes.

I'm going to throw up.

Different questions were thrown at me.

Niall who's she?

Mystery girl?

How long have you been together?

We aren't dating!

I wanted to say, but the words wouldn't even leave my throat. I began to sweat, quietly mumbling for them to leave. My thoughts were running crazy, my head beginning to ache.

Jesus, this is probably going to be in the news tomorrow. I could seen the headlines, all saying we're the hot new couple.

I mean, I would love that, but I just wish she would feel the same so we can make it a reality.

Louis' POV

We just arrived to a fancy restaurant Dakota had picked out for our welcome home celebration. She planned all this for our arrival. She's such a great lass.

My phone buzzed in my hand, receiving a text from Eleanor.

Going out with the girls! Hope your flight was safe.

I was surprised to see she actually texted me first, lately she's been a bit distant. But I understand she's going through a lot with finishing Uni and everything, so I just let it go.

I laughed as I saw Niall glance at Dakota multiple times, he gave me a glare but then smiled.

Why can't they just tell each other how they feel?

Dakota told me she liked him and Niall told me a couple years back about his he felt for her. They should just tell each other.

I mean, it's getting annoying.

Our food came and the waiter placed everyone meals down. He took extra time with Dakota, making small chat. I looked over to Niall and he looked furious.

I smiled and kicked Zayn's foot, pointing to what was going on. He laughed and Niall let out a frustrated groan as the waiter kept talking about his golf skills.

To me it sounded like he sucked.

Then out of no where he yelled out in pain. He glared at Niall.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see your foot lad!" Niall said, almost fakely. Dakota didn't seem to notice, she just giggled. The waiter glared at him and Niall signaled him to walk away. Her rolled his eyes and went to another table, taking their orders.

I looked over to niall and he had a small smile plastered on his face.

At that moment, I felt proud.

Proud of my dear Niall.

I've taught him so well.



Okay so I UPDATED! lol yeah hope y'all are happy. Guys seriously please comment I need feed back.


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