Chapter 27

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Dakota's POV.

I grabbed Rose and May's hand, running to our first lecture.

I was instantly reminded of how this whole situation played out just a year ago in our last year. We were nearly late right now, and I'm just glad we all have this class together.

We entered the class and I took a seat next to May, and to my left was Rose. After scanning the room, I noticed the popular groups... and the not so popular groups.

I can't believe we still have separations in University, I thought that would be long gone, we're too mature for this stuff. But whatever, I saw the Professor walk in and sit at a desk in front of the class.

"And after you subtract the twenty to both sides, you then do the quadratic formula to get the answer to question 1 problem b." I was quickly jotting down the notes, damn this teacher talks so fast! While writing down the formula to the equation, I was interrupted by my phone buzzing.


R we still going for lunch at your break?

I forgot! I looked up at the clock on the wall. Break is in ten minutes. I texted him back saying yes, and for him to pick me up in a little. I then continued to do the irritating Trig problem. Once I got the hang of it, the teacher was basically done. She gave us some practice problems to do, 1-5 on page 45.

After finishing the last problem, the bell rang sending the signal for everyone to go to break, or lunch. I got up and grabbed my books, placing them in my backpack. The only downside to University is there are no lockers to hold your things. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Niall was calling me.

"Hey Ni." I said making my way down the stairs towards the parking lot.

"Hey! I'm here." He spoke, his voice cheery as usual.

"Are you in the parking lot?" I asked scanning my surroundings, I then saw a black range rover with tons of girls crowding around it.


"Never mind, I see you." I hung up the phone, pushing it deep in my back pocket.

God how am I going to get through the crowd?

I pushed through the teenagers and even some ten year olds to get to the passenger door of Niall's car. Once I made my way to the front I knocked on the window, he looked with wide eyes, but soon noticed it was me and smiled unlocking only my door. I hopped in quickly, locking the door after putting my seatbelt on.

"Jesus, your fans are mental!" I said, looking around the parking lot. He nodded chuckling, starting up the car. "So, where do you want to go?" He asked, trying his hardest not to run over any fans.

"I'm really in the mood for Chinese."

"Yeh, let's go there!" Niall swerved out of the parking lot, speeding up once he hit the road. I leaned my head on the door and yawned.

"You tired?" He asked. I shook my head no, "Just a bit, I woke up really early today." He smiled and pulled into the not so crowded Chinese restaurant. I unbuckled my seat belt while Niall opened my door.

You know what would of been perfect? If Niall would hold my hand as we walked over to the restaurant, But no, friends don't do that.

"How many?" A lady with a Chinese accent asked softly.

"Just two." The lady took two menus and guided us to a small table by the window. I took my seat and opened the menu, scanning it.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked. Looking to me first, I told her I would have a coke. She then asked Niall who ordered the same. She nodded writing it down and leaving us to ourselves.

May's POV.

I'm so lazy.

Right now, I'm sitting on my couch, with a tub of strawberry ice cream, in my onesie, and my bed comforter I brought into the living room to keep me cozy. I looked up at the clock as my movie was just about over, 5:37 pm. I did nothing but study today. I had a project to get done also that's due next week, but I decided to get it over with and I finished it about a half an hour ago.

I got up to put my ice cream in the trash can, but soon heard the door bell ring. Making my way to the door, I wrapped my comforter around me. I wasn't expecting company.

I opened the door and found it to be... Louis?

What is he doing here? Most importantly... why is he in a black suit holding flowers?

"Hey Louis?" I said confusingly. He smiled and gave me the flowers

"Hey May, can I come in?" He asked. I nodded inspecting the roses, still confused on why he gave me these.

They smell heavenly. How did he know I like flowers?

He sat on my couch and chuckled once I sat on the comforter.

"Nice onesie." I smiled and put my hands in my pockets, making a duck face. He laughed and just looked at me. I began to feel uncomfortable, I mean wouldn't you feel the same if the guy you liked was staring at you with no emotion whatsoever.

"Not to sound rude... but why are you here? All dressed up... giving me flowers?" I asked. He blushed and looked at the hardwood floors beneath us.

"Well, I kind of... well I don't really know how to say this..." He said, still blushing. I groaned.

"Just spit it out Louis!" I chuckled. He took a deep breath and mumbled something very softly. I couldn't make out what he said.

"Pardon?" I asked. He sighed and looked into my eyes.

"Ever since I saw you for the first time at the airport, I thought wow she's beautiful but I never thought I would see you again. I was also with Eleanor at the time so I felt like a dick. Then I figured out you were a friend of Dakota's and I grew excited knowing I would hang out with you more often. And once we started talking more I realized how much I really... fancy you." He rushed out, only using one breath. I blushed deeply. Oh my god, does he like me back?

"What are you saying?" I spoke. He looked at me still, his eyes a darker blue than usual.

"Can I just try something?" He asked, I nodded. He leaned closer to me on the couch and placed the hair that was in my face behind my ears, brushing it out of my face. He then leaned in closer, holding my chin. I couldn't take it any more, I smashed my lips to his and held his cheek in my palm. I felt fireworks explode in me, if that was possible. I could feel him smile in the kiss, causing me to do the same. Once we released, my smile grew wider, as well as his.

"May what I'm trying to tell you is, I really like you." He said. I smiled and looked at his flawless face

"The feeling is mutual, Louis."



Hey y'all! How you doing! Ok so I love you guys, I mean really

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