Chapter 48

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I ran out the glass doors of my college and looked for Niall's car in the parking lot, seeing the familiar brown hair and instantly ducked behind some cars. I haven't been talking to Beau ever since the whole Jordan thing, we just can't be friends if he chooses to be around him.

I finally spotted Niall's black Range Rover, and hurried over to the passenger side. Niall had told me this morning he wanted to pick me up and take me to lunch, he had something to tell me. So after the lunch I have about 20 minutes to get ready for soccer training.

As I entered the car, I pulled my sleeve over my cuts from this past week. I still can't believe I did it, I mean it's better than crying so might as well. The hate just gets to me I guess, it puts me to my weak. So what if I have a couple slashes on my wrist, they remind me of how they think of me. How I'm not the perfect person everyone expects me to be. I'm just glad Niall hasn't noticed yet.

"Hey babe" he said, reaching over the dashboard and kissing me lightly. I smiled, "Hi, how was your day?" I asked, buckling my seatbelt in. He sighed, "Just stupid recording stuff" he told me, I nodded understanding the situation. "What about yours?" he asked, I shook my head "Just stupid college stuff" I mimicked him with a smirk, he smiled and we pulled into a Nando's down the street, not to far from my school.

"Yes! I'm starving" I said, unbuckling my seatbelt hearing him chuckle as I closed the car door. "Good, I am too" he grabbed my hand and we walked through the entry way to the front.

"2 please" Niall spoke to the male waiter, he nodded and scanned us, but keeping his eyes on me. Niall noticed and brought me closer to him, the guy smirked and told us to follow him.

We were seated at a table towards the back, not too many other tables around. Maybe 2 or 3, it was very private. Which was great, he handed us our menus and asked what we would like to drink.

"Water please" I spoke, he nodded and turned to Niall.

"Coke, thanks" he said, the waiter walked away and Niall sighed.

"So what did you want to talk about, babe?" I asked, clasping his hand in mine. He smiled down at our intertwined fingers and looked back up to make eye contact with me.

"Well, uh the tour starts next week" he said, my eyes grew wide, "Oh my gosh I totally forgot" I said, he chuckled "Yep, me as well" I smiled and he squeezed my hand.

"Well, how would you feel about coming?" He asked, oh. I can't go on tour with him, I have school, I have soccer, and I don't want him to have an extra weight on his shoulders.

"I mean it's a mini tour, not a long time thing. Just a month and a half a week." He said, scanning my eyes with a pleading look. I hate it when he looks at me that way, he knows it's my weakness.

"Niall, I have so much stuff I'm involved in. I can't just drop all of it for 4 weeks, you know?" I spoke, he frowned and nodded. "Yeah I get it, but just think of the experience you would have. Exploring another half of Europe, babe" he said, I thought for a moment. Yeah that would be cool, it's just Niall won't be able to come with me most of the time. He'd be stuck in the recording studio or in interviews.

"Niall, I just really can't leave school. I worked so hard to get to where I am and I just don't think I can make up all of the work. Plus I have a game every Saturday and practices 4 times a week, how do you think they would feel if I didn't show up to any of that. I'd be cut off the team." I explained, he sighed and kissed my palm.

"Just promise me you'll call every day, when you wake up, after school, and when you go to bed. Even in between, I just can't live without you for a whole month." He said, I nodded. He's so sweet

"I promi-"

"Here's your water, and your coke" the waiter interrupted, placing our drinks in front of us.

"Do you need more time, or?" He asked, "More time would be appreciated, thank you" I spoke, he nodded and walked away.

"I promise, Niall" I giggled, now being able to finish my sentence. He chuckled and released his grasp, taking hold of the menu. I did the same and scanned over my options for lunch.


I grabbed my bag and pulled on some Manchester shorts, along with a red Nike shirt. Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed my cuts showing. I can't wear bracelets to practice, so I pulled a jacket over my small frame. The sleeves covering them up perfectly, "KOTA, YOU READY?" Niall yelled from downstairs, I sighed and grabbed my bag, along with my shoes and phone, and made my way down the stairs.

"Alright let's go" I said, he nodded and we went into the car.

Soon we made it to the stadium and I ran into practice.

Halfway into training, I began to get a little over heated from my jacket. As we made our way to the benches for a water break, Amanda eyed me weirdly.

"Love, aren't you hot?" She asked, I shook my head.

"No, not at all" I breathed heavily back, rubbing the sweat off my forehead. Gosh its like a freaking sauna in here. She smirked, "Well, you're sweating terribly. I would've thought differently" she chuckled, I smiled and shook my head. "I'm fine" I said, taking one last sip of my water. During drills, I couldn't take it anymore. So I took it off and kept my wrists down, hoping no one would notice. Amanda smiled and continued dribbling the ball down the line.

As practice came to an end, I walked out with Amanda to the front parking where Niall usually picks me up.

"So I hear you've got yourself a boyfriend now." She said, smirking. My heart fell in my chest at the thought, would she give me hate for it too? I know she's a directioner, but she couldn't be like the other girls who say such hateful things. 'Why are Niall and Dakota going out, she's such a whore'

I read that one last night, it's been bugging me throughout the day.

"Y-yeah." I struggled to finish, not knowing how she would take it. "So Niall's the lucky lad hey?" She asked smiling, I nodded and blushed looking down at my cleats. I knew she wouldn't hate me, she's such a great friend.

"Dakota that's awesome! I knew you two would go out sometime soon!" She said, as if she made a bet on our relationship, I giggled at the thought. She probably did.

I heard a honk and saw Niall's car parked in the usual spot, waving goodbye to Amanda, she returned it and I opened my car door getting in next to Niall.

"Hey babe, how was it?" He asked, I nodded. "Great, it got really hot though" I replied back, pulling my seatbelt over me, but Niall stopped me, grabbing ahold of my arm.

"Ow" I said sarcastically, "what was that for" I giggled, but he had a straight face, his eyes flicked from my face, my my wrist.


"Niall I-"

"Dakota." He said, in a stern voice might I add.

"I-I fell?" I said, but it came out more like a question. He looked at me, his eyes telling me he wasn't going to buy it.

"Kota, I'm not stupid. Why did you do this?" He asked concerned, anger also in his tone. I groaned. "Can we please just go home then I can explain" I asked, he shook his head "Dakota why the hell would you do that to yourself" he yelled, grabbing my hand and looking me in the eyes. I winced as he touched one of my scars, his eyes we're with anger but flooded with sorrow once he saw what he had done.

"Niall can we please just get home and I'll explain!" I yelled ask , he looked taken aback from my sudden outburst and turned the key in the ignition.

The whole ride home was filled with silence, no one speaking a word. How am I going to tell him?

Once we reached the house, he climbed out of the car, not opening my door as he usually does. He must really care about this...about me. I sighed and followed behind him up the steps. Once we made it into the house, he grabbed my hand and slammed the door behind us. He walked us over to the couch and sat on the love seat next to me, turning my shoulders so I was now looking at him.

"Dakota why" he asked in a hurt tone, I let out a shaky sigh.

"Y-you don't get it Niall" I stuttered, he shook his head. "Dakota, I love you so much and to know your hurting yourself just kills me. So please, tell me what is the cause of this babe" he really wasn't going to let this go, was he?

So I got up, I made my way over to the kitchen, Niall trailing behind me confused. I opened up my laptop and sat it down on the island. I clicked on twitter and logged into my account, Niall still confused by my actions.

Scrolling through my mentions, I felt Niall place a hand on my shoulder. I began to read the tweets aloud.

"Dakota is so ugly"

"She's such a slut, did you see what she wore today"

"Dakota Milne is the definition of ugly, why would Niall-"

"Babe, they're just-"He interrupted me, but I cut him off

"Wait this one is my favorite" I said, my voice came out a croak on the verge of tears.

"Dakota is a self centered bitch and Niall is only going out with her because he feels bad" I finished looking up to him, my vision becoming a blur.

"Dakota" he whispered, whipping a tear from my cheek. He knows I never cry, I can't let him see me like this. Crying is for the weak.

I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs, hearing Niall right on my tail calling my name.

I ran up to our bedroom and slammed the door behind me, running into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I sniffed, the tears becoming more steady as I searched through the drawers.

"DAKOTA OPEN THE DOOR NOW" Niall yelled, banging on the door. I yelped as I cried harder, the tears bringing me down to the floor. I heard the door knob jiggle and Niall rush through, instantly holding me in his arms. I cried into his chest, I felt some wetness come to my neck indicating he was now crying too.

"Dakota, please. Just never scare me like this." He said into my shoulder. I began to hiccup, probably from the crying.

"I-it's just they hurt me so bad, and-and make me feel wo-rthless." I cried into his neck, he sighed.

"But Dakota, you're not worthless. Far from it actually, you mean so much to me, Please stop this." He whispered, pulling me up to eye level. His eyes were a light shade of blue, they change this color after he's finished crying.

"But Niall, they love you. And they hate me" I said, looking down and fiddling with my scab on my right wrist. He pulled me closer into his lap and brought a finger up to my chin, "But I love you, and they won't change that. It doesn't matter to me if they hate you or not, you're mine and I'm yours." He spoke, not breaking eye contact. I sniffed and he placed a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb softly across the fresh tears. I leaned in and kissed his lips with far too much passion, I just need him to know how much I love him.

Our lips danced with dominance and he moved his hand from my cheek to the back of my head, his other rubbing soft circles on my thigh. Once we released from the kiss, we slowly disconnected but kept our foreheads locked together. He placed a soft kiss on my nose, which made me giggle. He smiled and picked me up bridal style, dropping us onto the bed. "Promise me you'll never do this again, just call me. I'll be here in a heat beat" he whispered, I nodded and said "I promise" and cuddled into his side.

As we cuddled, I turned over so I could see his face. His eye brows were furrowed and he looked as if he was in deep thought.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pushing the blonde hair out of his face. He looked down to me and smiled a little.

"Well, my mum called a couple of days ago." He said, I nodded.

"Is something going on back home?" I asked, he shook his head.

"No, everything's fine. Just she saw us holding hands on TV, and she freaked out. She thought we were just friends" he chuckled, I smiled. I've only talked on the phone with her once, Niall was in the shower and the phone wouldn't stop ringing so I answered. I've never met her, but she was such a nice gal on the phone. When I talked to her, she asked if I was Niall's girlfriend. I said no, we were just friends at the time but I don't know if she'll act different towards me now because of our relationship.

"She wants to meet you in person, how would you feel about flying to Ireland with me on Wednesday?" He asked, well today is Monday. That gives me 2 days.

"That sounds great" he smiled and pulled me in for one last kiss before we dozed off into a deep sleep.






Question of the Tuesday:

What's your favorite food?





Ok bye ilysm


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