Chapter 19

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Dakota's POV

After breakfast, and a lecture from Louis to tell Niall how

I feel, I went back over to the couch. I ended up winning the argument, I'm just too afraid to tell him. He obviously doesn't feel the same, and I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Niall sat next to me and turned the TV on.

Portland Timbers vs LA Galaxy.

I've been waiting for a Galaxy game to be on, I haven't seen how they've been holding up without Beckham. But noticing the score was already 7-1, I smiled, knowing that Galaxy is already going to win.

I took my phone out of my pocket and clicked the lock button to turn it on. The screen was blank. I clicked seven more times, but the button didn't help at all, my phone was dead. I groaned and Niall looked over to me and chuckled, "You wanna use my charger, love?" I nodded and he gestured me to get up.

I followed him back to his room, he unplugged his phone then put mine in the charger.

Once my phone turned back on, I noticed I had a missed call from my friend back home, May. I decided on calling her when my phone has enough battery power.

I looked over to Niall and saw him on his phone.

I've noticed when Niall concentrates, he always bits his bottom lip. It's cute cute, best my concentration face.

I stick my tongue out usually.

I quickly snatched his phone from his hand, opening up the camera app and taking about 40 pictures. He kept trying to get the phone, but I just pushed his hands away.

"Dakota! Seriously!" He laughed, I smiled and put the phone down, checking the camera roll. I found one of me smacking his hand while making a funny face and his eyes were shut, I quickly made it his lock screen photo. Finally I decided it was enough and gave his phone back.

He turned his phone on, then looked at me and smiled.

"I'm never going to change this!" He said, laughing pointing at our goofy faces in the picture. I smiled and he went on twitter, clicking on the compose tweet icon.

@NiallOffical: Having a blast with @Dakota_kicks_6 ! So much fun without the lads ;)

I laughed and he put the iPhone up so we could take a picture with the front camera. I made an out stretched smile with my teeth and he stuck his tongue out. After taking the picture, he attached it to the tweet and clicked send.

A few minutes later, a gasp was heard from the other room.

"Really Niall?" I think was Liam, yelled, barging into the room

"Come on mate, we aren't that boring." He said with a pout on his face. I smiled but then Harry ran in, tackling me to the ground. He then started making really awkward faces, almost making me cry, and he looked up to Niall.

"Still too boring?" He asked. Niall shrugged and cracked a smile

"I want to go swimming!" Louis yelled, also coming in. I guess we're having a party in here. I nodded and looked up to Louis.

"I wanna go too!" I said, getting up from the ground. Louis grabbed my hand.

"Alright, so me and Dakota want go, Zayn will probably want to tan, and if Dakota goes Niall's defiantly going to go." Louis said, giving Niall a cheeky grin. Niall gave him a glare then he looked to Liam and Harry.

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