Chapter 28

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Dakota's POV.

Once I finished showering, I wrapped a towel around me and walked down the hall. I guess I wasn't watching where I was going when I crashed into a soft wall. A soft wall? The pain flowed towards my head and I held the skin tightly, wincing at the contact.

I said some... colorful words and the wall chuckled. What the... ?

I looked up to see the wall had been Niall... and I had only a towel on... and it barley covered my ass. I moved away from him awkwardly and ran into my room. I could hear him laugh more, "I came to tell you we're leaving in twenty minutes!" I ignored him and made my way to the closet. So what do girls wear to Ed Sheeran concerts? I took out a pair of black leggings. After slipping them on I took the time to pick out a decent shirt. Finally, I decided on an oversized grey holed sweater. I slipped on some brown combat boots and then went to my bed side table and picked up the four leaf clover necklace Niall gave me for Christmas. God, I wear this necklace everyday. Who cares, I love it! I grabbed my phone and went back into the bathroom, but not before getting a glance at what Niall was wearing. He had a pair of black baggy skinny jeans on, as well as his signature white V-neck. I opened the right drawer and took out my curling iron. I made my natural straight blonde hair into smooth flowy curls and accessorized it with a grey braided head band over my forehead. Finally, I was done!

Exiting the bathroom, I ran over to the kitchen and took a banana from the counter.

Niall's POV.

I sprayed myself one last time with my Men's Polo Cologne and took my phone out. I got a text from Harry,

Picking up the other lads, i'll be at your place in 15 minutes.

I texted him back saying okay while walking into the kitchen. I saw Dakota on her phone, but my interest was towards what she was doing.


She was eating a banana.

I watched as she swiftly put the tip of the banana back to her lips and widen her mouth to take a slow bite- OH MY GOD NIALL CALM DOWN. I just kept watching, I felt my pants tighten. SHIT IS SHE TRYING TO DO THIS TO ME, STUPID SEXUAL STUFF KEEP GETTING IN MY HEAD.

But just imagine if that was my-

OKAY I NEED TO STOP. I quickly turned away and cleared my throat. She then took notice of my presence, "Oh Niall, I didn't see ya there!" Well of corse you didn't see me here, I was creepily watching you eat a fucking banana trying so hard not to make a noise! Okay calm yourself bro... deep breaths.

"When's haz getting here?" She asked putting the banana in the trash across from her. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Hurry, eat another one Dakota!

"Niall?" She asked waving a hand in front of my face. Oh yeah, she asked me a question.

"Oh, um, he's picking up everyone else first so he'll be another few minutes." I said, still eyeing the trashcan.

"You alright?" I looked up to see she had a confused look on her face. I nodded reassuringly and went over to the fridge walking closely by the counters, making sure to hide the... front area of my pants. Gosh stupid hormones!

I was glad the doorbell saved me from this awkward situation. Saved by the bell!

"You alright mate?" Liam said walking in the kitchen. I gave him a confused look.

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