Chapter 2

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Dakota's POV

I woke up to the bright California sun shining through my window.

I forgot to close the blinds last night.

A groan was released from me and with nothing else to do I decided to get ready for the day. I walked into the bathroom and took a look at my face, then immediately looked away regretting the decision immensely. Although I don't wear make up, I just hate my face in the morning. I don't have acne, just the occasional small bumps, but mostly it's just oily. I jumped in the shower and felt relaxed as the warm water rushed down my spine.

After my shower, I wrapped myself in the towel that once hung on the rack. I walked into my bedroom and made my way to my closet. The doors opened wide as I walked in and picked out a light blue, flowy crop, tank top and a pair of white skinny jeans. I matched it with a pair of blue TOMS that Eleanor got me for my birthday last year.

I walked downstairs and into the living room. My dad was sitting there drinking his coffee.

"Oh hey, love. Wanna come to work with me today?" He asked.

I nodded quickly, smiling because I could see all of my dads coworkers and meet the new contestants on the XFactor!

"Okay well we leave in 10, go eat." He chuckled lightly, "Oh and Simon got you a gift." He said.

"Why does he always do that?" I asked, venomous sarcasm filling my tone. Every time I see uncle Simon he always has something new for me.

I went into the kitchen and got myself a bowl of cereal. Once I was finished eating, I walked out with my dad to the car. Soon we were off to the studio.

We walked through the doors to backstage and I saw Simon talking to three guys that looked around my age. I walked over, leaving my dad talking to the lighting guy Tim.

Tim had a daughter, who had just been born maybe a week ago. We talked over that for a while, me getting bored allowing me to find Simon.

"Hey Simon!" I shouted, even though I was standing right next to him. His back was still turned talking to those boys. He had jumped a bit, but I took no notice to it. I had always treated him this way, most people think I'm crazy for it.

"Can't you see I'm- Dakota!" He said, turning around. I gave him a hug and noticed the boys still staring at me, especially the one in the Snapback. They looked really tanned and fit. But I really didn't take interest in their looks, not really my type. Simon noticed my staring.

"Oh! Kota, this is Emblem Three. They're a band in this competition. I'm their mentor."

"Hi, I'm Drew." The guy with the huge muscles shook my hand. His handshake was firm, almost too firm. Must workout often.

My eyes traveled left to a boy, he looked a little younger than the others. His innocent features made me realize that I might have to introduce myself first.

"I'm Keaton." Almost caught off guard by my own observation, I shook his hand. He seemed shy, not as outgoing as Drew or the kid next to him. Whom I still have yet to be introduced too.

"And I'm Wesley Stromberg."

Ugh. His tone.

Ever met someone who was full of themselves? Give off the vibe that they're everything? Just by the way they're introduced?

You must be the greatest person you've ever met! Congrats!

I shook his hand and he even tried leaning down and kissing it, but I quickly pulled it away, disgusted that he would even pull that on me. Keaton chuckled a little bit.

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