Bickering Witches and Birthday Wishes

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The three of you spent the rest of your time together stalking Blondie. You weren't sure how long you'd been searching, but you knew that noon had already passed by. You guys poured through hours of Penstagram, the twins' crystal balls, even old newspapers their parents were gonna burn! All to find any evidence of this
"Golden Guard." The info you found was minimal, the most detailed thing being an article on the web from a few years ago. It described a coronation of sorts for the new Golden Guard.

"'The new Golden Guard?'" You repeated. "There's been more than one?"

Emira peered over your shoulder into the crystal ball. She scrolled down the article, occasionally pausing to read.

"It looks like the old one retired, and they had to find a replacement really quick. According to this, he's the youngest Golden Guard there ever was, inheriting his staff at 13!" She explained. You rubbed your chin and looked at the date the article was published. Three years ago.

"That puts him at our age!" You popped several of your fingers. "Isn't that child endangerment?"

"You're one to talk about what is or isn't child endangerment, (y/n)." Edric yawned as he slumped over. You whipped around with tired annoyance.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You grumbled. He raised his hands defensively.

"Hey, I'm not tryin' to be rude! It's just that you don't call it 'child endangerment' when you go out and pull your Phantom stunts." Ed threw air quotes around your words.

Ed and Em knew about your double life, not by choice but by unfortunate circumstance. In fact, if you weren't a Phantom you'd have probably never met! It was a super weird experience for both parties.

You had only been a Phantom for about a year when you interrupted a mugging. Four guys were telling these two kids about your age to empty their pockets. They had made the egregious mistake of trying to score in Phantom territory though, which was never received well. To make a long story short, you managed to get the guys to scram without even showing yourself. You were much smaller then, and knew it would be difficult to hold against four guys, so you just threatened from the shadows. After they ran off, you walked the two kids home. You nearly fainted when you saw Blight Manor.

About a week later, you ended up getting your ass handed to you by the same muggers! You went to Blight Manner, asking the kids to repay your favor and help you heal. They agreed and you reluctantly revealed your bloodied face to them. You'll never forget their words at the sight of you; "hot damn!" They introduced themselves as Edric and Emira Blight and ever since then, they'd been your best friends. Right now though, things seemed a bit less than friendly.
You narrowed your eyes at Ed and frowned.

"I chose to be a Phantom." You stated.
"Maybe he chose to be the Golden Guard!"
"Ha! Highly unlikely! The Emperor's Coven doesn't give you choices, they only believe that the emperor's will is the Titan's will. They're motivated out of fear of upsetting Belos, therefore upsetting the Titan. It's absolute BS but it's an effective tactic. That bitch probably can't even speak to the Titan!"

"SHHHHH!!!" The twins both raised a finger to your lips.

"Kids? What was that?" Their mother called from downstairs. Emira ran over to the door and opened it. You could hear very faint footsteps from below. She cupped a hand around her mouth.

"Nothing mom! Edric just realized he... ate some dairy!" Em shouted back.

"It didn't sound like Edric!" The voice sounded louder this time and the footsteps were getting closer. You and Ed stared at each other with dread. He grabbed you by the elbow and shoved you into Emira's bathroom while Em herself continued to distract their mom.

Once Upon a Dream (Golden Guard x Gender-Neutral Reader) Where stories live. Discover now