I'm Sorry! Please don't kill me!

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Yeah I know, I can feel the disappointment and frustration for this NOT being the update you so desired through the Wi-Fi. I've been in your place when I was a Wattpad-addict. [The social media substitute of my life.] Sometimes I do feel withdrawn and want to come back, but it is more the reading portion the reels me in instead the writing portion, lol that's not what's supposed to happen.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while. For those that have recently (and not-so-recently) found my seedling stories of the GG Rogan fandom, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your interest in seeing where these stories will grow into in the long run. I always love seeing the occasional comment, knowing that there are people out there that are interested in my stories/books.

However, writing has been frustrating for me (not that I love it any less and strive to continue). I've doomed myself since the beginning of time with multiple, openly discontinued stories on my profile. I want to continue them all (I'll probably need to re-watch the series to get inspiration again), but there's a few things you all need to know about the rest of this school year.

1. I'm starting college next Monday, and I don't know what to expect in my 3 COMM classes, Individualized Fitness, 1 English class, and my Seminar class. I'm a First Gen, so this is going to be a stressful semester to get my feet grounded.

2. I'm working two part-time jobs. It is draining, 'nough said. [One is with kids and the other with community events.]

3. I've been leaning out of fanfiction and have been outlining my original book that I want to publish in the future. [If I can actually work out the outline onto paper or computer.]

4. I've been trying to focus on myself spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and (lazily) physically. Socially is out of the question because of number five:

5. A friend is getting married, another moving away, three are staying, but two are planning to go on their way. Friends are already on missions, a few are beginning theirs, and I'm mostly stuck here in my bubble. Party of one? I've got that covered. It's fine, it's great. I'm happy for everyone's progress in life. It's been rough, but it'll get better. Positivity is key to break me out of my loving negativity.

6. Finals are the week of Dec. 12-16th, maybe I'll you an update as a Christmas present!

I'm sorry again for the disappointment and lack of update. I hope you all are taking care of yourself and giving yourself time to realign your priorities and showing the gift of kindness to pay it forward. I love you all, and as my inspiring friend would say:

Your Mental Health is vital: How is your brain today? On a scale of 1 to 10.

Be honest with yourself, all numbers are valid in your personal perception.

It's currently 10:50pm [22:50] and today my brain has been at a 7, 5, 3, 8, and currently a 2 right now.

Oh! One last thing before I clock out for the evening.

What is your Rose & Thorn of your day? [The highlight & The lowlight]


My Thorn: Being in forced socialization situations; Feeling Word: Anxious

My Rose: Knowing that I can have a great support system in college; Feeling Word: Relieved

A. Rose signing off for now.


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