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Rory talked it out with Logan for many hours. It was getting later into the evening and she wanted—no, needed him to stay. The couple then got ready for bed; Rory changing into one of Logan's t-shirts that she stole and Logan just stripped down to his boxers.

The next morning, she made her decision. She was going to become the Hayden Heiress.

Rory was the first to wake up and when she did, she found herself restrained to the bed by Logan's heavy arm. After several attempts, Rory finally escaped and she went to get changed and sit at her desk, deciding on what her minor should be if she would major in law. She could minor in English, Journalism or Business. At least those were her final choices. Rory heard stirring and movement of her sheets and looked over at Logan who was now slightly awake and sitting up against the headboard. The sheets dropped down to his waist and Rory's eyes trailed down his naked chest before meeting his warm brown eyes and lazy smirk.

"What are you doing Ace? Come back to bed." Logan said in a rough, sleepy voice.

"I'm trying to decide on my new minor as my major is going to be changed to law." Rory stated brightly. Logan squinted his eyes, his mind trying to work this early in the morning and once her words fully registered, he sat up straighter and put his focus on Rory and her decision.

"You're going to do it, Ace? I'm so proud of you! Now, what are your final choices?" Logan encouraged, while trying to think of where this was going.

"How do you know I already have final choices?"

"Because I know you. Now what are they?" He asked as he got out of her bed, got dressed and walked over to her.

"English, Journalism and Business."

"Hmm... Well, since your major is law. Your best bet is business. English and Journalism, I know are your favorite but you really wouldn't use those skills that much, but then again you practically already know anything of English and Journalism. So, business would be best."

"That's what I was thinking. I love English and Journalism, but it won't help me much in the field, so I'll go with business. Thank you." Rory smiled and gave Logan a kiss.

"I should get going. I got to a class in an hour." Logan said, his breath mingling with hers as he broke their kiss apart.

"Alright. See you tonight?" Rory looked up at him with glowing eyes.

"Of course." Logan kissed her goodbye and then left to go to his dorm. Rory smiled as she watched him go. She was falling deeper in love each time she spends time with him whether it be a quick text or a phone call or even as much as spare minutes at the coffee cart. The small moments meant everything and amounted to the same as when they spent all day together.

Rory then picked up her phone and dialed the phone number that she was given the day before—among other papers in which they contained a copy of Straub's will, a recent copy of Francine's and Chris's will, Hayden heiress guidelines, Hayden Law guidelines and other informative, disclosed documents.

"Hello?" a familiar female voice answered.

"Hello, this is Rory."

"Oh Rory! It's good to hear from you, but it's quite soon." Francine says in a slightly worried tone.

"Well, I wanted to tell you I've made a decision."


"Yes. I talked with Logan last night, and thought for a bit and slept on it. And I would gladly be the Hayden Heiress."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'll start planning the announcement party."

"Oh, and Fran—Nana? Grandma? Sorry, I don't know what to call you, but I've decided that my minor will be business."

"You may call me whatever you are comfortable with and I will get your schedule changed in time for the next semester."

"Thank you, Nana, for giving me this opportunity to be a part of your family."

"Don't worry about it dear. Straub should not have robbed you from being a Hayden."

"Thank you, Nana."

"No, thank you. I'll see you soon, Rory."

"Alright, Nana."

Rory hung up and was smiling greatly, but it soon faded as panic started to well up.

What am I going to do about my spot on the Yale Daily News?!

She hurried and rushed to the newsroom to find Doyle, the editor.

"Doyle! I need to speak you immediately!" Rory rushed over to Doyle as she spotted him at his desk.

"What is it Gilmore?" Doyle sighed as he continued flipping through an article.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to be on the Yale Daily News anymore starting next semester."

This caught the attention of everyone in the newsroom, especially Doyle. He started to pale; panic was ebbing through his nerves.

"What do you mean?! You're one of the best writers here! You can't just quit!"

"I can and I am. I'm taking over my family responsibilities. My family needs me, and my dad's in a bad position. They don't have an heir anymore as my half-sister was taken from him and my paternal grandfather is dead. So, this is a two-month notice since the next semester is in two months. Now, I can still write for the two months I am here so... yeah. Now that I've told you, I've got to go." Rory rushed out after spill, leaving dust in her wake.

The newsroom was quiet for an hour. No one knew how to respond, they all loved Rory. She is a fantastic writer, and they're sad that they will lose her. She would've been a perfect editor.

***EDITED JULY 15, 2020***

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