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Once Rory left the newsroom, she stopped by the coffee cart. As she turned to walk away, she almost crashed into Logan.

"Hey Ace. You need to keep your eyes on the road missy." He teases, his smirk evident and proud. Rory smiled and rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, do you want to get lunch? I'm starving."

"Sure, why not. Where does the lovely lady want to go?" The couple started to walk off campus to Rich Man's Shoe. Logan put his arm around her waist, pulling her close to his side while they walked towards their destination.

They had a delicious lunch before headed back to Logan's; they were talking about what movie they were going to go see later that evening.

When they finally arrived at Logan's dorm, Logan opened the door and let Rory walk in first, like the perfect gentleman thing to do. But Rory stopped mid entry causing Logan to ask what was wrong and get no response in return. Logan then looked over her shoulder to see a blonde waiting for Logan. He raised an eyebrow at his sister before moving around his girlfriend to give his sister a hug.

"Honor, what are you doing here?" Logan asked enthusiastically. Rory carefully made her way to the kitchen and make herself a cup of coffee.

"Can't an older sister stop by to say 'hi' to her baby brother?" Honor laughed, pulling back from the hug.

Rory silently let out a long breath as she looked through each of the cupboards looking for the coffee grinds and the large mug the Logan kept there just for her.

"Of course, but normally there's a catch." Logan smiled, an eyebrow raised, waiting for the other shoe to drop—the reason for the visit.

"Well, Josh proposed last night." Honor squealed holding up her hand with the ring.

"Oh, so he finally did it?" Logan grinned widely; happiness oozed from him for his sister.

"Yes, I know. It was about time. Now, I need you to come to dinner tomorrow night and be the buffer. I'm going to tell them." Honor held Logan's hands as she told him the catch.

"What? No." Logan dismissed with scoff.

"You need to come. I need your support. I bailed you out to many times to count, you owe me." Honor pleaded.

"Honor, come on!" Logan tried again, but he knew he wouldn't win this one.

"Do you need me to list all the times I saved you from dad's wrath?" Honor said pointedly.

Logan grumbled, "No."

"Good. Now, that I got that sorted, I'm going to focus on you." Honor says facing Rory who was now pouring her a hot cup of coffee,

"Huh?" Rory said off guard, not expecting that the attention to be put on her suddenly, right when she was about to take a sip.

"Who are you?" Honor pries. Logan watched his sister and his girlfriend interact.

"I'm Rory Gilmore." She trails off sharing a look at Logan.

"Honor, Rory is my girlfriend." Logan admitted, the words rolling off his tongue a bit weirdly, yet he liked the sound of calling Rory his girlfriend. It just fits.

"Girlfriend? I've never heard you call anyone that. Well, except Alyssa Milano but he was 10." Honor grinned, she couldn't wait to spill all of Logan's childhood stories. She has waited for this day, for so long.

"Ah, yes well it's still new." Rory says modestly and ducks her head a little to take a sip of her coffee.

"Well, then you must come to dinner too." Honor blurts out. Logan was looking a little worried and uncertain. Before he could say anything, Rory spoke up.

"Oh, no. I don't want to intrude on a family thing." Rory dismissed as she held her mug closely, keeping an eye on Logan who seemed to be treading in thick, unknown waters.

"No, no please come! I want you to come. Please!" Honor insisted, leaning closer to pleading. Although, she was his little brother's girlfriend there were still some uncertainty about her intensions, so meeting the parents... why not? If she can handle them and stick with Logan after that than she's a keeper.

"If it's okay with Logan then sure." Rory says looking at Logan. Logan smiles weakly.

"Yeah, why not. Ace, you should come."

"Okay then. I'll go." Rory answers looking at Logan directly in his eyes with stern certainty, which gave her a response of a reflective happiness in his brown eyes.

"Oh good! Now, I must be off! Bye baby brother. Bye Rory!" Honor says with relief, and a little bit of pity before she leaves.

"You don't have to come." Logan says, almost pleading.

"Ah... Well I can't back out, now can I?" Rory smirked, with a look of 'you owe me'.

"Nope, not a chance." Logan sighed, defeated.

Rory's phone beeped and when she turned it, she found a text message from Nana.

Rory, your name is now officially Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore-Hayden. I've sent invites for the Hayden Heir announcement to everyone in society. It's going to be next Saturday. I also got your schedule changed for next semester. You'll have your law major, business minor, and well I thought of how you've given up your dream for this family, I have also given you a second minor in journalism. You can drop it if you want but I thought you've deserved so much after all this happening to you on a whim. Love, Nana Francine

"Well, I guess it's official now. Wow, that was fast. I'm now officially Miss Gilmore-Hayden. And the Hayden Heiress." Rory seemed to be in a daze as she looked up at Logan in a shocked revelation.

"Well in that case... we are going to celebrate with the movie of your choice. Now, where is the paper so we can see the showings?"

Rory picked up a newspaper that was on near her, on the counter, and handed it to him. They sat on the couch discussing and looking at what they were going to go see that night while looking at the clock every now and again.

***EDITED JULY 15, 2020***

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