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Mitchum looks over to see Rory laughing, not like an obnoxious laugh, but a more civil and quieter laugh. Logan is doing the same. Dammit, Logan knew.

"What's so funny?" Mitchum asked, hoping he was wrong, praying that what Shira has done won't tarnish the Huntzberger reputation. He knew his father hated her the moment she claimed she was pregnant and he married her—with an iron clad prenup thankfully.

"Oh, well I just think that this has become quite an interesting dinner. Don't you?" Rory spoke with a perfect society front and innocent eyes.

"Grandad and mom don't think Rory is good enough for this family." Logan finishes, there was a sharpness in his tone that Mitchum picked up and he knew something was up his sleeve.

"You judge me because I want to work instead of plan parties, yet you all don't know the other me. You know the facts. High school valedictorian, debutante, young journalist, and a golden child. You've heard that from my maternal grandparents, the Gilmores. But like I said I'm soul heiress of both sides of my family. My mom's and my dad's. No one knows or even thinks who my dad is because the situation happened a long time ago." Rory said in a calm voice.

Logan is smirking, Honor is intrigued, Josh is a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation, Elias figured out the puzzle and looked at his son in shock, but Shira was still as sour as ever, and not at all interested in the conversation.

"Your father's Christopher Hayden." Mitchum states calmly.

"Yes, that is correct. I'm taking Law and Business instead of my original English and Journalism plan. I will be taking over the family business in a couple years, after I graduate."

Shira scuffs, "A Huntzberger wife doesn't work. You aren't right for this family. You're lying!"

"Well if you think I'm lying then do you want me to call my grandmother? She would love to explain to you that I am telling the truth and that I do not lie," Rory said sweetly, speaking to Shira as if she were a child.

"Go ahead. You'll just call Emily and she'll lie for you." Shira sneered.

"Shira! That is enough!" Mitchum growled.

Rory pulls out her phone and turns it on. Once it's on, she pulls up the contact information for Francine and presses call, before putting it on speaker. The dial tone echoes in the dining area for a moment before the other end of the call was picked up.

"Rory dear! How are you?" Francine's cheery voice rang through the air.

"I'm good Nana, but I have a situation. You are also on speaker with the presence of Logan, Mitchum, Shira, Elias, Honor and Josh. I am having dinner with them."

"Oh? And what would this situation be?" Francine's cheery voice dropped to a detached society cover.

Logan leaned into the phone a little so he could speak to Rory's grandmother.

"Hello Francine, this is Logan. My mother believes that Rory is not good enough to marry into the Huntzberger family and she claims that Rory is lying about her being a double-heiress."

"That is absurd! Shira! You have no right! I will be sure to black list you and only you, and don't expect to hear from the D.A.R. I'm sure Emily will be pleased to cut you from society. Elias, may I speak to you for a second? Rory take me off the speaker and hand the phone to Elias, please my dear." Francine's voice was cold and direct.

Shira paled, panic was starting to set in and she turned to Mitchum, who only shook his head in shame.

Rory follows the instructions she was given and took her off speaker phone before handing her phone off to Elias swiftly. He gave her a short nod and a small smile as he took the phone from her. Rory smiled back before taking her spot next to Logan again. Logan leaned into her and whispered something in her ear that got a light laugh to escape her. Honor and Josh shared looks of happiness. Shira was trying to calm herself down from her rising panic, and Mitchum sat back and watch his son be happy under the roof of the Huntzberger mansion for the first time in so many years.

"Elias, I completely understand your feelings were aimed at Shira, not Rory. I've been trying for many years to blacklist Shira, but I always needed a reason and evidence. Thank you for the help in the plan to get rid of her. Also, when you have a chance thank Mitchum for me, and I hope he can finally go through with that divorce. I will hope to see you, Mitchum, Logan, Honor and Josh at the heiress announcement party. Goodbye Elias."

"We will be there, no problem. Your welcome and see you then. Goodbye Francine." Elias says and hands the phone back to Rory.

Rory finally said goodbye to Francine and hung up. She looked up at the smiling Honor and Josh, the stone-faced Elias, yet there was a hint of happiness showing through his tough exterior, a beaming Mitchum, and lastly a grim and upset Shira.

Logan and Rory were extremely happy that the new was out and that Shira was put in her place.

Shira finally had enough and went outside to stress smoke.

Dinner ended quickly as the group participated in sharing stories and Mitchum, Elias and Rory discussing about journalistic views on the world and things like that.

After a few hours and dessert, Rory and Logan had to leave to get back to Yale for classes the next day. The couple said their goodbyes and left the Huntzberger mansion.

"Well that was an eventful night." Rory said as they approached her dorm back at Yale.

"Yes, it was! I didn't expect you to pull the 'let them figure it out' card. My mother's face when Francine answered, I wish I got a picture!" Logan laughed.

"I did notice how Mitchum and Elias both paled when they figured out that they were in the presence of a Hayden. Wow, what a turn of events!" Rory exclaimed, grinning wildly. She made a great first impression as Logan's girlfriend!

They reached Rory's door, and said their goodbyes for the night. Rory held her dorm key and was unlocking the door—knowing Paris had locked it after she left. Before Logan left, he grabbed Rory and pulled her towards him and gave her a passionate kiss.

"I'm glad you came tonight." Logan quietly said to her in their proximity.

"Me too." Rory says just as quietly and gives him one quick kiss, before disappearing into her dorm.

Logan had a lovesick look on his face as he turned away from Rory's door and headed off to go back to his dorm. He was in bliss as he whistled a random up beat tune as he walked towards Berkley housing.

***EDITED JULY 16, 2020***

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