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As the couple walked to the car, they passed a coffee cart.

"Three large black coffees." The coffee cart guy says handing them to Rory.

"Thank you Nick." Rory smiles.

"No problem. I noticed the crazy look in your eyes."

Logan looked flabbergasted.

Rory giggled, "Bye Nick, see you tomorrow."

Nick nodded and helped a customer that was waiting patiently.

"So you are going to go to your mother under coffee calm?"

"What? No! But if I go in there with no coffee in my system and just running on adrenaline then she will know and run coffee in the pot, which will put her at an advantage of not receiving my wrath. Also it will put you in a bad position of not taking care of me properly." Rory says as she then gulps down her coffee, feeling her energy strengthen and stress calm.

"Oh well we can't have that then."

"Exactly." Rory moves to throw away her now empty cup. Logan watches on in amusement.

"Come on. We have some Gilmore walls to break through." Rory says, she grabs Logan's face and pulls him towards her car.

"Why can't we take my car?" Logan whined.

"Because your car will get the whole town notified of your presence before we reach the Crap Shack. And we can't have a surprise visit if she knows we are here before hand."

"Right, my mistake. Your town is like the gossip wheel central, works faster than the societal gnats."

"Correct. Now you are driving." Rory stops in front of her car and hands the keys to Logan.


"Because, if you are my get away it makes more sense for you to be in the driver's that way you don't have to change seats when we get there."

"And why would I change seats when you could just drive us back after you talk to your mom - wait nevermind. You are in no fit to drive. I do not want to go to jail from speeding because one that is a lousy reason to get jail time and I am preventing the poor people of the roads from getting into a crash and landing in the hospital, so get your butt in the passenger seat. I'm driving."

Rory scowled briefly and turned to walk around the car when she felt a swat in her butt. Rory yelped and turned around to see a smirking and amused Logan.

"I'll get you back for that."

"I'm sure."

The drive to Stars Hollow was silent for the most part, Rory contemplating what she was going to say to her mother and how this is going to affect their mother-daughter-sister-best friend relationship.

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Rory asked Logan as he made a turn at the giant rooster.

Logan took a glance at her.

"Rory, Ace, what you are doing is standing up for your self and your decisions. What Lorelai did was not the right thing to do. Of course she was talking your heart into consideration and picking jobs she thought you'd love while making the mistake of applying for them."

"But that's the thing! I don't want to be an overseas correspondent any more! Sure, I like to travel and see new places and cultures, and maybe write about it, but that is what I see as vacation wise especially now that I'm with you! But she doesn't understand that my dreams have changed and my goals have changed from what they were when I was five, but those goals are what she wants for me not what I want for me. I mean I did think those things for the majority of my life, but things started to change since Yale. I mean editor of the YDN was fun while it lasted and I wouldn't mind doing it as a job but I just want to write, whether it be at home, in an office, or on a trip, business or otherwise, freelance, or permanent I don't care! But she needs to know that my decisions are my decisions! I can choose other paths and detours than the straight and narrow, but she is trying to block everything that could derail me and I'm starting to feel lost and then she doesn't really like you which reasons are beyond me why! But I don't care about what she thinks anymore because I know that whatever I do that she doesn't like, she freezes me out! Even when the evidence was against me, but I proved to be innocent!" Rory ranted with barely taking a new breath. After she let out her last statement with an angry growl, she folded her arms and sank in her seat. Logan was bewildered by one, she didn't take a breath through all of that. two, he swore somewhere in there she mentioned their future. three, the last part was giving him questions that she probably didn't want to answer, but who cares?? He needs answers!

Logan suddenly pulled over, turned off the engine of Rory's vehicle and turned to her with determination.

"What exactly do you mean when your paths have changed and that now that you are with me things have changed? And your job, Rory, you have been talking about Christiane Amanpour for years, even before you met me!"

"I know Logan, but I've just been thinking is all." Rory shifted in her seat, not really wanting to talk about this in the car in Stars Hollow.

Logan saw her movement and sighed, "We'll talk about this later okay?"

Rory just nods and Logan starts the car again, driving off to Rory's home with the guidance of Rory's brief directions.

As they pull in they see the old Jeep that belongs to thee Lorelai Victoria Gilmore. Logan glances at Rory again and sees her tense posture. He parks the car and was about to stop the engine when Rory made a motion not to.

"Rory," Logan starts to say as he takes her hands in his. He looks at her with concern. Rory refuses to look at him.

Logan starts again, "Ace, look at me. Please."

He had a plead in his voice that forced Rory to look into his eyes. She let out a heavy breath.

"I'll be fast."

"Ace, everything will be okay."

"You're really going to use that line?" Rory scrunched up her face looking at him a familiar gleam he was so glad to see again.

Logan chuckled, "Well, it's all I got."

Rory softly chuckled before a movement caught the corner of her eye. "Well, it is now or never I guess."

Logan gave her a half-smile, "Come here."

Rory looked at him oddly before obliging.

Logan kissed her softly with a lingering kiss that was sweet and short. It sent tingles through Rory's body. Just as he was pulling away, Rory brought her hand up to his face and brought him back for a smashing kiss that was filled with so much passion and a new feeling for both of them. Love.

The kiss that they were sharing brought them to another world, that is until their bubble was shattered by a pounding on the window.


Ah, now who would interrupt their little bubble in a rapid fashion?

Anyhow here is a new chap and my writing will be sporadic at best because of my school going online and all the crap we have to do is scattered and I have a lot of printing, scheduling, reading, and projects to do for the next week as my teachers and fellow students get a grasp on how the hell we are supposed to do online schooling. It is so confusing and the directions are so vague, I just! UGH!!!

I love you all to pieces and I hope you all will find some positive emotions during this depressing period of time. Do not take things for granted and try to find new ways to spend your time during this quarantine period. Break out a puzzle, a deck of cards, an actual book or maybe even draw something - if you are bad at drawing, it doesn't matter, do it any way because I know that despite anything there is one thing you can draw, at the very least. I know this because I have experienced and seen this happen - and as Dr. Seuss has said, "Sometimes you will never know the VALUE of a moment, until it becomes a MEMORY." 

These times are going to be hard, but I know that everyone holds the strength to over come this.

Okay and that is enough heart-to-heart for me today! Happy quarantine! :)

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